Counselor At Various Stages In Article Review


Those groups present a real challenge, because of the very significant risk that many of the participants are not there because of a desire to change or even because they have recognized a problem, but because they are required to attend a group session as part of their sentence. The chapter is not a research study. Therefore, it does not contain research findings, methodology, or results that are linked to a specific hypothesis. Instead, it focuses on the unique problems that exist in correctional settings. These problems fall into three broad categories: the population, the setting, and policies. Each of these areas can bring its own challenges to the counselor, and the chapter attempts to provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges they can pose and the ways that a professional can deal with those challenges.

The chapter provides several different areas of good information about group work in the correctional setting; however its most salient...


None of the members of the group can be said to be there voluntarily. Therefore, one of the risks of the team leaders in those settings is that they will get immediately to the subject matter of the group. However, group orientation, preparation, and the leader's belief that the group can be helpful to the inmates are all critical elements. Without establishing that early credibility, real interviews with the group members will be impossible.

Sources Used in Documents:


Corey, M. & Corey, G. (2003). "Chapter 5: Stages in the helping process." In Becoming a Helper (3rd Ed.). Pacific Grove: Wadsworth.

Jacobs, E. & Spadaro, N. (2003). "Chapter 3: Challenges in conducting groups in correctional settings." In Leading Groups in Corrections: Skills and Techniques. Lanham: American Correctional Association.

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"Counselor At Various Stages In", 20 March 2012, Accessed.3 May. 2024,

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