Country Is An Autobiographical Story Of Abraham Term Paper


¶ … Country is an autobiographical story of Abraham Verghese, a man from India via Ethiopia who came to adopt the small town of Johnson City, Tennessee, as his new home. In postgraduate studies he focused on infectious diseases, in part because it would open more professional opportunities to him, a foreign MD. A mentor took him with him to Tennessee, where Verghese and his wife quickly settled into rural, Southern life. His best friend was a gas station operator, and the emergency room staff enjoyed teaching him to "talk Southern."

Before moving his family to Tennessee, Verghese had read a few journal articles about the mysterious disease that as beginning to be called "AIDS," but it was a "big city," mostly New York and San Francisco. When he came to Johnson City to work, he never expected to be dealing with AIDS, and certainly not...


One case that touched him deeply was that of Will Johnson and his wife. Will had had emergency bypass operation with lots of blood loss and multiple transfusions needed. He had the surgery only weeks before a way to test blood supplies for the HIV virus had been developed, and he got infected blood. By the time he realized he had AIDS, he had infected his wife as well.
The stigma was so great in 1987 that the Johnsons traveled 2 1/2 hours to Johnson City so he could be treated without people in his home town finding out. Will Johnson was a precise man who told Verghese every possible relevant fact in precise detail and order, giving Verghese…

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