Creative Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Perfume, Templates/Outlines; Target Essay


¶ … creative Chanel Coco mademoiselle perfume, templates/outlines; Target Audience; Brand Position; Brand Imperatives; Communication Objectives (FACETS model); Consumer Insight; Proposition Selling Idea; Support). Coco Chanel: Mademoiselle perfume

Coco Chanel's Mademoiselle perfume is targeted at a youthful, fashion-conscious consumer whose style is still evolving. The first demographic of interest is that of 20-24-year-old women, who have just start working. Mademoiselle may be their first 'grown-up' perfume purchase. More mature women in the age 25-28-year-old group will also be targeted. These women have been living independently for longer but are also fashion and trend-conscious and strive to project a youthful appearance. Men who are dating women in this demographic and buy perfume for their girlfriend are also in the target category.

Brand position

Because it is marketed at a younger audience with shifting brand allegiances and relatively lower disposable levels of income (younger people were particularly hard-hit by the recent recession), the positioning will be of a lower-cost perfume relative to Chanel's other offerings, but slightly 'higher end' than drug store perfumes, to give the fragrance an added fashionable...


It will be youthful in its image yet still have the Chanel name to give it 'class.'
Brand imperatives

Chanel has a rather staid image because of its relatively old name and history. Yet, when it began as a fashion company, it was considered cutting edge. Chanel can revitalize its image with Mademoiselle. It can expand its demographic outreach beyond that of its core market of older consumers but must do so in a manner that does not alienate them. One great advantage of marketing Mademoiselle is that if new customers are pleased, the company can generate new, loyal potential lifetime Chanel shoppers.

Communication objectives (FACETS)

Perception: The perceptions of the brand must be that this is a classy, timeless fragrance that is still suitable for younger consumers

Cognitive: Consumers must feel that Chanel is affordable and acceptable within the context of their aspirations and lifestyle.

Affective and Emotions: Consumers must feel as if the brand is sexual yet ladylike -- a fragrance acceptable to wear to work yet also on a night out.

Association: Romance, trendiness, and independence

Persuasion: The brand offers a balance between affordability…

Sources Used in Documents:


"1 in 2 consumers recoiling from overconsumption." Marketing Charts.

Available at: / [3 May 2012]

Berk, C.C. "Can one ad change everything for the fragrance industry?" CNBC. Available at: [3 May 2012] [3 May 2012]

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"Creative Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Perfume Templates Outlines Target" (2012, May 04) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Creative Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Perfume Templates Outlines Target" 04 May 2012. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

"Creative Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Perfume Templates Outlines Target", 04 May 2012, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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