Credibility Of A Media Story Is Mostly Essay


¶ … credibility of a media story is mostly characterized by an objective, unbiased stance. If, to elaborate, the author sees both sides of incident and steps out of his or hoer own agenda in the way that he or she characterizes it, and if he makes great attempts to see it in a dispassionate way despite his political and ideological leanings and perspective. Other ways that the story achieves creditability is if the author abstains from ideologically loaded words such as ' enemy', 'fundamentalist' and so forth. This is particularly difficult when writing from an involved, and culturally biased perspective.

Thirdly, the author by quoting credible sources -- and this is particularly so for a scientific-based article -- indicates his creditability in this way. The more complete sources that he or she quotes with full details and facts -- all of this adds to his credibility. Numbers and facts (such s names, dates and so forth) also add to the creditably of the news source and, in the case of a controversial...


If the story occurs disjointed to the event, namely if it is not current, or if it is recorded as something with great lapse in history, it is bound to cause aspersion on the rest of the story.
Similarly, too lapses in the reporter's judgment and misquoted or inaccurate facts and details have a rebounding effect by bringing his entire report into question.

All together, general media has lost much of its credibility and this may be due to the fact that it is associated as a moneymaking machine. If fewer stories were tied to celebrities, fashion fads, corporate profits, and business interests and if more reports were to involve themselves -- as they once were long ago in the beginning --…

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