Cultural Values And Personal Ethics Term Paper

This whole process is grounded in a commitment to social justice...." (Morales, 2003) Fortunately, the organization I work for has an open systems approach, which allows its employees to evaluate (1) ways of being (the psychological business process); (2) ways of knowing (the spiritual business process); and (3) ways of behaving (the theoretical and technical business processes). This open system philosophy frees the decision making process from cultural and personal influences, and instead encourages evaluation of issues on their independent merits (Williams, 1996, p. 100-101).

Thus, the organization that I work for has a culture, which has been more successful than most in avoiding the pitfalls of deeply embedded social or cultural identities, which often prove to be obstacles in the way of successful conflict management especially with our overseas units. This is contrary to the findings of several research studies, which have found that social identification and cultural values lead to people holding a fixed view of human character and attributing immutable dispositions to different social groups (Hong, 2003; Salk & Shenkar, 2001).

The ethics view of justice also guides the decisions I make in my personal life. For instance, I make it a point never to patronize the products or services of companies that are known for either discriminatory or socially unjust practices. Thus, when there were widespread media reports in 1996 about the inhuman working conditions in Nike's plants in Vietnam and South East Asia, I had stopped using the brand. Similarly, when there were rumors about Tommy Hilfiger's racist attitude, I had decided to boycott his products till such time that it could be ascertained as to whether the rumors were, indeed, baseless.

The converse is also true, that is, I tend to favor the products and services of companies that are known for their exemplary corporate social responsibility. To name just one example, I remember being impressed by Ben & Jerry's announcement that the company would fight...


Thus, I recognize the importance of developing a sensitization to cultural backgrounds and beliefs, both organizational and personal. Such sensitization, I believe, is key to developing an ability to use ethical self-reflection and thereby learn about oneself as an ethical decision maker (Mattison, 2003).
Indeed, ethical self-reflection is vital in arriving at decisions that are fair and socially just. for, it is only such decision making ability, which will enable the world to function in accordance and harmony.


Hong, Ying-yi., Chan, G., Chiu, Chi-yue., Wong, R.Y.M. (2003, December). How are social identities linked to self-conception and intergroup orientation? The moderating effect of implicit theories. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Washington, Vol. 85:6, p. 1147.

Mattison, M. (2000). Ethical Decision Making: The Person in the Process. Social Work.

Vol. 45:3, p. 201.

Morales, a.H. (2003). Multicultural Competence 101. University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Retrieved Dec. 9, 2004:

Salk, J.E., & Shenkar, O. (2001, March-April). Social identities in an international joint venture: An exploratory case study. Organization Science Linthicum. Vol. 12:2, p. 161-178.

Sims, R.R. (1994). Ethics and Organizational Decision Making: A Call for Renewal.

Westport, CT; Quorum Books.

Williams, L.C. (1996). Business Decisions, Human Choices: Restoring the Partnership between People and Their Organizations. Westport, CT: Quorum Books.

Sources Used in Documents:


Hong, Ying-yi., Chan, G., Chiu, Chi-yue., Wong, R.Y.M. (2003, December). How are social identities linked to self-conception and intergroup orientation? The moderating effect of implicit theories. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Washington, Vol. 85:6, p. 1147.

Mattison, M. (2000). Ethical Decision Making: The Person in the Process. Social Work.

Vol. 45:3, p. 201.

Morales, a.H. (2003). Multicultural Competence 101. University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Retrieved Dec. 9, 2004:

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