Current War With Iraq Term Paper

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¶ … Persian Gulf War of 1991 aimed to stop the invasion and occupation of Kuwait by Iraqi forces. Ordered by Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, the military action aimed to take control of the small country's immense oil reserves. By the time U.S. President George Bush declared a cease-fire on February 28, 1991, Iraqi forces had already fallen. As part of the Gulf War treaties, the trade embargo on Iraq, sanctioned by the United Nations when Iraq first invaded Kuwait, was not lifted and a UN special commission was assigned to oversee the destruction of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction (WMD), including medium-range missiles and chemical and biological weapons as well as the facilities in which they were developed. Nevertheless, UN military forces were withdrawn from Iraq and Hussein was not pushed out of power. While the current war on Iraq has been called the "War for Iraqi Freedom," the events leading up to it suggest that the war is not a result of concern over the freedom and rights of the Iraqi people, but a result of Iraq's continued noncompliance with UN resolutions and international fear of the possibility of WMD in the hands of Hussein...


In the end, the UN, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and others came to believe that Iraq has rebuilt some of its facilities for developing WMD. In November of 2002, the UN Security Council unanimously voted through Resolution 1441 to give Iraq one final opportunity to comply with disarmament obligations. Iraq was given seven days to notify the council of its intent to comply and thirty days to present the council with a complete list of its current efforts to develop WMD. Additionally, pending agreement to these conditions, the UN would resume unfettered inspections forty-five days later. While Iraq did present the UN with a report, it continued to hinder efforts and gave little sign of compliance with the entirety of the resolution. On February 5, 2003, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell presented evidence to the UN that Iraq had not been working towards disarmament and was, in fact, developing and holding WMD. Moreover, Powell sought…

Sources Used in Documents:


Banville, Lee. "U.S. - Iraq Relations After the Gulf War." PBS Online NewsHour. 25 Mar, 2003.

Key points of resolution on Iraq." BBC News World Edition. 25 Mar, 2003.

Persian Gulf War." Encyclopedia Britannica 2003 Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 25 Mar, 2003

Powell presents evidence to U.N. In the case against Iraq." PBS Online NewsHour Update. 25 Mar, 2003.
Timeline: Modern Iraq." PBS Online NewsHour. 25 Mar, 2003.

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"Current War With Iraq" (2003, March 25) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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"Current War With Iraq", 25 March 2003, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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