Domestic Violence: A Bleak Reality Research Paper


By doing so right now, we are not only making a societal and human investment in today's citizens and today's crime rate, but we are improving the quality of life of entire families as well as working toward the reduction of future perpetrators of violence against women since the sons will see appropriate models of behavior and wil not be apt to become violent in the future. References

A programme for action. (2008). Retrieved May 5, 2010, from Care Against Domestic Violence,

Coy, M., Kelly, L., & Foord, J. (2009). Map of gaps: The postcode lottery of Violence Against Women support services in Britain (United Kingdom, End Violence Against Women and Equality and Human Rights, London, England). London: End VIolence Against Women.

Giles-Sims, J. (1985) a Longitudinal Study of Battered Children of Battered Wives. Family Relations, 34 (2), 205- 210.

Great Britain., Home Office., Crime in England and Wales 2008/2009. (2009). The Home Office departmental report 2009. London: TSO.

Hotaling, G., & Sugarman, D. (1986). An analysis of risk markers in husband to wife violence: The current state of knowledge. Violence and Victims, 1, 101-124.

Jaffe, P., Wolfe, D., and Wilson, S.K. (1990), Children of Battered Women, Sage Publications, California.


(2010, March 15). Domestic Violence ? Question: House of Lords Debates. Retrieved from They Work for
Long-Term Effects of Domestic Violence. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Research, development and statistics. (2010, January 15). Retrieved from Home Office: Domestic Violence-Mini Site.

Robinson, a.L. (2006). Reducing Repeat Victimization Among High-Risk Victims of Domestic Violence. Violence Against Women, University of Cardiff, Wales, UK, 12(8), 761-788. Retrieved from PubMedGov.

Secretary General's in Depth Study of Violence Against Women. (2006). UN General

Assembly. Retrieved from UNIFEM.

Crime Data/Domestic Violence

Appendix a

"Repeat Victimization"

This bar chart demonstrates that repeat victimization amongst domestic violence victims comprises the vast majority of those whom experience a repeated instance of an underlying crime.

Please see:

Appendix B

Map 1: "VAW support services in Britain"

(Cor,, 2009)

Appendix C

Map 2: "Domestic violence services"

(Cor,, 2009).

Appendix D

Map 3: "Refuge Services"

Sources Used in Documents:


A programme for action. (2008). Retrieved May 5, 2010, from Care Against Domestic Violence,

Coy, M., Kelly, L., & Foord, J. (2009). Map of gaps: The postcode lottery of Violence Against Women support services in Britain (United Kingdom, End Violence Against Women and Equality and Human Rights, London, England). London: End VIolence Against Women.

Giles-Sims, J. (1985) a Longitudinal Study of Battered Children of Battered Wives. Family Relations, 34 (2), 205- 210.

Great Britain., Home Office., Crime in England and Wales 2008/2009. (2009). The Home Office departmental report 2009. London: TSO.
Long-Term Effects of Domestic Violence. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Please see:

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"Domestic Violence A Bleak Reality" (2010, May 12) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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