Educational Objective Introductory Quote As A Student Thesis


Educational Objective Introductory Quote

As a student who has worked hard to attain a degree, the value of ultimately holding a diploma in my hand would be immense- it has great value and respect in the society that we live and work in, there are strong personal reasons that would finally be fulfilled and ultimately, having a college degree will have a great positive impact on my future life.

Body Paragraph #1: Why Education is Valuable- educational objectives

Personal growth

Learning in the classroom

Learning from peers

Future employment prospects improve

More sought after candidate

Body Paragraph #2: Personal Reasons

Difficult to accomplish- self-fulfillment and self-esteem growth

f. Improve future employment

Body Paragraph #3: Impact on future plans and how a degree would help

g. Foundation for more education

h. Long-term stability


Tie it all together

Why I Worked for Four Years for a Piece of Paper

"Despite rising tuition and student-loan debt levels, the long-term payoff from earning a college degree is growing," asserts a study published in the New York Times (Lewin, 2010). The importance of a college degree is growing increasingly crucial in our society, so crucial that people are willing to with stand the rising tuition costs and put themselves in loan debt to attain...


As a student who has worked hard to attain a degree, the value of ultimately holding a diploma in my hand would be immense- it has great value and respect in the society that we live and work in, there are strong personal reasons that would finally be fulfilled and ultimately, having a college degree will have a great positive impact on my future life.
Foremost, an education is one of the most valuable tools that one can have and a college education furthers that life tool. When one goes through college, there are a myriad of classes to choose from in a plethora of subjects; though, the objectives from class to class and semester to semester may change, the overall educational objective that I have had was to accumulate as much knowledge as possible while also specializing in one that I particularly felt passionate about. People always say that college is that last time in your life that you can truly explore and learn for the last time in your life before you have to go off to a job, or onto a more specialized graduate school. It was absolutely imperative that I took a myriad of classes and gathered information from my professors, my texts and my peers. A college education helped me extend and push myself to acquire the additional knowledge that cannot be learned in any other setting. Though some may argue, that individuals learn more doing than sitting in a classroom, the journey to attaining a degree provided everything in one environment. My personal growth has been one…

Sources Used in Documents:


Lewin, Tamar. (2010, September 21). Degree payoff is growing, study says. The New York Times, p. A18.

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