Self Esteem Essays (Examples)

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Self-Esteem and Nursing
When I first began to study and learn about nursing, I never thought very much of what the concept of self-esteem meant to me. Self-esteem seemed like an abstract psychological concept, and I still was mainly preoccupied with the demands of nursing as a physical profession that required technical expertise. However, as I grew wiser, I began to see how my initial assumptions were fundamentally in error. People may know that certain health practices are required to improve their sense of well-being, such as quitting smoking, exercise, or eating a healthy diet. However, there are often vastly different levels of personal self-empowerment regarding the ability to make such changes. It is very common to speak of 'willpower,' but we must ask why certain people seem to have stronger willpower than others. Self-esteem is often the answer.

Self-esteem is not having a falsely high opinion of one's self. It is….

The support of the individual is very important in developing self-esteem. The evaluation of the family and friends has a significant impact on how the individual feels about himself. This is because the individual trusts their opinion and tends to believe it is true. The workplace environment is another important factor that determines the self-esteem of the individual. If employees are appreciated by their colleagues, this makes them feel good about themselves and about working there.

Managers play a very important role in developing the self-esteem and confidence of their employees. Their appraisal system and performance evaluation strategy is likely to help increase or reduce the self-esteem of their employees. If they focus on positive motivation, employees are likely to become more confident in their professional activity and to improve their performance. If managers prefer to focus on negative motivation, they are likely to determine reduced levels of self-esteem and confidence….

Self-esteem and self-efficacy are linked traits, which are both connected with locus of control and emotional stability as well (Judge & Bono, 2001). According to Judge & Bono (2001), along with locus of control and neuroticism, self-esteem and self-efficacy can impact such behavioral counterparts as job performance, job satisfaction, communications effectiveness, and relationship stability. There is a bi-directionality in the relationship between self-esteem and self-efficacy, in that self-esteem engenders self-efficacy; while self-efficacy also helps stimulate a sense of self-esteem. Self-evaluation traits like these are also connected with both broad issues and specific tasks. For example, the individual will be continually judging and evaluating his or her own performance, which is then used as a sort of feedback mechanism that impacts future performance on the job or on similar tasks. Self-efficacy refers more specifically to the individual's view on how he or she can perform a specific activity; whereas self-esteem refers….

Self-Esteem and Stress

Self-Esteem and Stress
Life is a continuous journey, one that is filled with a rollercoaster of emotions and learning experiences. Throughout the journey of life, all individuals inevitably encounter potentially stressful situations, i.e., death of a parent, friend, or lover; divorce; drug and/or alcohol abuse; financial difficulties; traumatic breakup; unemployment; etc. Individuals generally react to stressful situations in one of two ways. First, some individuals use stressful situations as a motivator, a catalyst to accomplish their objectives and improve their situation. Next, other individuals use stressful situations as a depressant, a reason (consciously or unconsciously) to become "stuck in the mud" because of their inability to cope.

This paper analyzes and examines the multitude of issues related to self-esteem and stress. Part II discusses the effects that stress may have on self-esteem. In Part III, some possible solutions or stress busters that may be used in order to have a higher self-esteem….

Abstract for Gause, Simpson & Biggs (2009):

Within the United States, schools offer many opportunities for developing obesity-prevention strategies (Paxson, Donahue, Orleans, & Grisso, 2006, pg. 9). Many programs are offered in the schools, but most are single faceted programs targeting obesity through reformed nutritional programs or increasing physical activity within the schools. Minimal program offerings and research are available that have a multi-faceted approach to addressing the self-esteem of children who are obese. However, such programs are necessary as decreasing levels of self-esteem in obese children were associated with significantly increased rates of sadness, loneliness, and nervousness compared with obese children whose self-esteem increased or remained unchanged (Strauss, 2000, pg. 15). This article addresses the need to develop more thorough programs involving the collaborative efforts of individuals, including the social worker, skilled in designing effective fitness programs, teaching nutritional standards, and addressing the concerns of low self-esteem in adolescents, including….

Success over pretensions equals self-esteem." Albrecht (Ibid) cites that William James (1890) formulated the "simple" equation. Self-esteem, according to some psychologists qualifies as an answer for numerous individual and societal concerns. egarding this contention and accumulated self-esteem research, oy Baumeister, psychologist and professor, commissioned to survey American Psychological Society literature on self-esteem, determines: "These studies show not only that self-esteem fails to accomplish what we had hoped, but also that it can backfire and contribute to some of the very problems it was thought to thwart." He contends that self-esteem stems from, does not cause, of good schoolwork. Enhancing self-esteem is therefore a waste of time in the pursuit of health and well-being, Baumeister writes. ("Self-Esteem Causes..., 2006)

Alana Conner Snibbe, the eview's senior editor noted that Baumeister's article titled, "ethinking Self-Esteem: Why Nonprofits Should Stop Pushing Self-Esteem and Start Endorsing Self-Control,'" triggered heated controversy among Stanford Social Innovation eview readers.….

An Argument for Competency-Based Self-Esteem

In the study of human development, it is vital to understand one's self by determining an individual's self-concept of his or her self. Self-concept, defined as one's awareness of personal characteristics, attributes, and limitations, is also directly linked to the development of self-esteem. Self-esteem takes the idea of self-concept to a higher level in understanding human development: it is the evaluative component of self-concept. It has two kinds: the "loved and worthy" kind of self-esteem and competency-based self-esteem. The first kind, which is often referred to as "feel-good" self-esteem, provides a positive view of an individual's self-concept primarily because the individual "feels good" about himself or herself. Competency-based self-esteem, meanwhile, develops positively when an individual feels s/he has performed or behaved well in a particular task or endeavor; otherwise, negative self-esteem develops.

While in the present paradigm that American culture and society stands on concerning the issue….

Since the beginning of human civilization, language has played a key role in the learning process. It is an essential tool through which one expresses himself to another in a precise and comprehensive manner. With time, the number of languages grew and undergone many changes. Today, with the increasing need of globalization, there exist more than thousands of languages in the world which are shared and understood by different communities and groups.

Language can be categorized as first and second language. The first language or the native language is the one an individual starts learning from the very early stage of his life. However, the second language has to be acquired through hard work and consistent struggle. People usually learn second language in order to get a better know how of their surrounding and to adjust themselves among other social groups. Although, second language acquisition….

These differences need to be explored and elucidated before drawing conclusions from a diverse sample size. A researcher would do well to investigate self-esteem among highly specific population samples to avoid confusion between variables.
Gender is an important variable to consider in self-esteem research. Girls and boys are socialized to express their self-esteem differently. Therefore, it would be nearly impossible to research self-esteem among a pre-adolescent population without taking gender into account. The ways girls express self-esteem will differ from the ways boys do, making it necessary to examine male and female populations separately. For the same reason, class and family background need to be taken into consideration as well as ethnicity and race.

Finally, the research questions related to self-esteem may pose problems. Finding comparable subjects may require investigating the specific impacts of environmental stimuli on self-esteem. In this case, the definition of self-esteem would be defined absolutely so that….

e. his capacity to justly value and position himself correctly in society that helps him advance and evolve. Everyone needs something to rely on, and in many cases, this landmark is precisely the self, constantly changing, but always the same. Eleanor Roosevelt once said that "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." It is very important to know and understand oneself. Actually, to be able to understand and positively relate to others, it is absolutely important to know who you are and what your values are. This, I think, is what Eleanor Roosevelt refers to. Her message is very clear and simple which makes it extremely effective. No one can berate or belittle you unless you allow them.
Nowadays society has found several ways that can help build self-confidence and increase self-esteem: yoga, public speaking, education, therapy etc. along with the old-fashioned methods of "self-training" such as autosuggestion,….

The following research supported my hypothesis that there would not be a significant difference between the two. Demo & Parker (1987) conducted research on self-esteem among black and white Americans including elementary school and high school students. In the study, data on 298 black and white college students and an examination of the relationship between student's grade point average and self-esteem were presented. Several findings corroborate earlier research on school-age children. Self-esteem scores of blacks and whites were not significantly different, despite blacks having significantly lower grade point averages than whites. The relationship between grade point average and self-esteem, however, was negligible among blacks and among white males, suggesting that academic achievement is not critical to the self-concept of college students

Demo, DH, & Parker, K.D. (1987, August). Academic Achievement and Self-Esteem Among Black and White College Students. Journal of Social Psychology, 127(4), 345-356.

Thompson, T., & Perry, Z. (2005, October).….

Self-Esteem at Work

Self-Esteem at Work by Nathaniel Branden. Jossey-Bass, 1998
Nathaniel Branden, a California psychologist who worked with Ayn Rand for many years, has written a book about how the business environment has changed in the last century. His overall point is that today's work environment makes personal and psychological demands on workers at all levels, something that was not true at the beginning of the manufacturing age. His argument is that companies who have employees who function in a psychologically healthy ways will be the most competitive because of the many demands made on a person's intellect and personality in today's working world.

He lays out his view of the importance of self-esteem in the work place from the beginning of the book. He uses the often repeated phrase that we are now in the "information age" instead of a manufacturing, and points out some of the stressful elements of this shift. He….

Self-Esteem and Procrastination

There is a substantial amount of indirect evidence presented in the literature that suggests a strong negative correlation between self-esteem and procrastination, such that high levels of self-esteem are generally associated with lower rates of procrastination, less severe or extreme procrastination, and/or lower levels of adverse effects from procrastination (Wolters, 2003; Deniz, 2006; Steel, 2007). Though this research does not establish a causal relationship -- i.e., it does not determine whether a low self-esteem level leads to higher levels of procrastination or if the relationship works in the opposite direction (or indeed, if it works in both directions or if the correlation exists due to an entirely different relationship), the degree of correlation demonstrated is certainly worthy of closer inspection. An examination of the largely indirect information provided by research in the past decade regarding self-esteem and procrastination, as well an analysis of the few pieces of research….

eligion is linked to self-esteem for two main reasons. The first reason why religion is related to self-esteem in empirical studies is that personal religiosity may increase what is known as locus of control: the sense that God and practices like prayer facilitate control over life events and personal psychological issues. Laoire (1997) conducted a randomized, controlled, double-blind study in which 90 "agents" prayed for 406 subjects. The results showed that both subjects and agents of distant intercessory prayer improved on self-esteem self-assessments (O'Laoire, 1997). Agents, those who prayed, revealed the most significant improvements on self-esteem measures, indicating that locus of control may be a reason for the link between religiosity and self-esteem. The act of praying for other people may confer the sense of empowerment and social connection that are more important for raising self-esteem than the prayer itself or any supernatural element. The results of the O'Laoire (1997)….

Religious Participation Is Linked to Self-Esteem

Locus of Control

What is it? Locus of Control is the sense of being in control

Studies show that Locus of Control is related to Self-Esteem

Studies also show that praying can improve Locus of Control, probably because praying makes people feel powerful and it might also help people feel like they are doing good things for other people.

Locus of Control is part of the definition of self-esteem (Benson & Spika, 1973).

Believing in a deity might help improve one's Locus of Control because God is perceived of as powerful

Social Self-Esteem (Belongingness and Usefulness)

In many cultures, being part of a religious organization is something that is highly valued, even expected.

Therefore, being a member of a religious organization can improve one's sense of belonging in a community.

Belonging in a community can improve self-esteem, something that has been proven in the literature by Gebauer, Sedikides & Neberich (2011)

-- Being part of….

There is a substantial amount of evidence that authoritarian parenting is a sub-optimal parenting style because of its negative impacts on children.  To understand why, it is important to understand the authoritarian parenting approach. Authoritarian parents take a strict approach to their children, with an emphasis on obedience from their children.  Authoritarian parents rely on punishments, threats, and shaming to elicit desired behaviors.  They are often described as cold, lacking warmth and responsiveness to their children.  The three other parenting types are permissive parents who are described as warm but lax; authoritative parents who expect their kids to follow the....

Given the popularity of online dating and dating apps, writing an argumentative essay against online dating is a good choice.  It is always more interesting to write a position paper that may be unusual, because it is unlikely to recycle the same arguments that your professor will see in other papers.  There is actually a myriad of reasons that online dating may not be as successful (or as safe) as traditional in-person dating, and any of these reasons could serve as the basis for an argumentative essay.  They include but are not limited to potential....

5 Pages

Health - Nursing

Self-Esteem and Nursing When I First Began

Words: 1656
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Self-Esteem and Nursing When I first began to study and learn about nursing, I never thought very much of what the concept of self-esteem meant to me. Self-esteem seemed like…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Self-Esteem and Its Relation to

Words: 1000
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The support of the individual is very important in developing self-esteem. The evaluation of the family and friends has a significant impact on how the individual feels about himself.…

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2 Pages


Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy Are Linked Traits Which

Words: 689
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Self-esteem and self-efficacy are linked traits, which are both connected with locus of control and emotional stability as well (Judge & Bono, 2001). According to Judge & Bono (2001),…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Self-Esteem and Stress

Words: 2235
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Self-Esteem and Stress Life is a continuous journey, one that is filled with a rollercoaster of emotions and learning experiences. Throughout the journey of life, all individuals inevitably encounter potentially…

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2 Pages


Self-Esteem in Children I Am

Words: 552
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Abstract for Gause, Simpson & Biggs (2009): Within the United States, schools offer many opportunities for developing obesity-prevention strategies (Paxson, Donahue, Orleans, & Grisso, 2006, pg. 9). Many programs are…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Self-Concept vs Self-Esteem Two Theories

Words: 1445
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" Success over pretensions equals self-esteem." Albrecht (Ibid) cites that William James (1890) formulated the "simple" equation. Self-esteem, according to some psychologists qualifies as an answer for numerous individual and…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Self-Esteem and Self-Concept and Myths About Self-Esteem

Words: 516
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Self-Esteem An Argument for Competency-Based Self-Esteem In the study of human development, it is vital to understand one's self by determining an individual's self-concept of his or her self. Self-concept, defined…

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3 Pages


Self-Esteem as an Affectin Factor in Sla

Words: 1276
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Self-ESTEEM AS AN AFFECTIN FACTO IN SLA Since the beginning of human civilization, language has played a key role in the learning process. It is an essential tool through which…

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2 Pages


Self-Esteem Innumerable Variables Impact Research

Words: 500
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

These differences need to be explored and elucidated before drawing conclusions from a diverse sample size. A researcher would do well to investigate self-esteem among highly specific population…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Self-Esteem Motto To Love Oneself

Words: 661
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

e. his capacity to justly value and position himself correctly in society that helps him advance and evolve. Everyone needs something to rely on, and in many cases, this…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Self-Esteem and Students in Today's

Words: 383
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The following research supported my hypothesis that there would not be a significant difference between the two. Demo & Parker (1987) conducted research on self-esteem among black and…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Self-Esteem at Work

Words: 1149
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Self-Esteem at Work by Nathaniel Branden. Jossey-Bass, 1998 Nathaniel Branden, a California psychologist who worked with Ayn Rand for many years, has written a book about how the business environment…

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4 Pages
Literature Review Chapter


Self-Esteem and Procrastination

Words: 1182
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Literature Review Chapter

Procrastination Self-Esteem and Procrastination There is a substantial amount of indirect evidence presented in the literature that suggests a strong negative correlation between self-esteem and procrastination, such that high levels of…

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4 Pages


Self Esteem and Religion in Studies

Words: 1345
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

eligion is linked to self-esteem for two main reasons. The first reason why religion is related to self-esteem in empirical studies is that personal religiosity may increase what is…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Self Esteem and Religion Powerpoint

Words: 502
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Religious Participation Is Linked to Self-Esteem Why? Locus of Control What is it? Locus of Control is the sense of being in control Studies show that Locus of Control is related to Self-Esteem Studies…

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