Federalist Papers, Which Was Initially Known As Essay

¶ … Federalist Papers, which was initially known as the Federalist, were originally published on October 27, 1787. The first publication of these papers was made in New York press under the title The Federalist, which was later renamed The Federalist Papers in the 20th Century. Generally, The Federalist Papers is a term that refers to a group of 85 articles that were published by various authors including James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. They are largely regarded as one of the most significant contributions to the political mindset and process made in the United States ("The Federalist Papers," n.d.). Most of the papers appeared in the form of books in 1788 with an introduction being written by Alexander Hamilton. They were later printed in various editions and translated to various languages and utilized "Publius," a pseudonym for the three men i.e. Hamilton, Madison, and Jay. The purpose of The Federalist Papers was to promote the endorsement of the American Constitution. These papers sought to achieve this purpose by demonstrating to United States citizens how the Constitution was an expansion of Declaration of Independence principles, especially those related to freedom and equality. The authors sought to also show why it was vital to merge these principles in a...


The 1787 Constitution (Peacock, n.d.). In essence, The Federalist Papers emphasized practical and philosophical principles towards the approval of the United States Constitution. Consequently, they are regarded as the best commentary on government principles that were ever written and published. The authors' contribution towards the endorsement of the 1787 Constitution was fueled by their attempts to help or salvage American republicanism through showing the importance and necessity of the Constitution. Moreover, upon the completion of the 1787 Constitutional Convention, it was largely unclear if the Constitution would be endorsed.
The original attended audience of The Federalist Papers was only New Yorkers because the initial intent of Hamilton, Madison, and Jay was to play a significant role in the campaign for approval of the Constitution by the New York State. However, the authors not only discussed constitutional issues but also discussed many political problems. As a result, the attended audience of The Federalist Papers expanded beyond New Yorkers only. Actually, these publications were later read across the United States and printed as a two-volume book in 1788 (Peacock, n.d.). For the expanded audience, The Federalist Papers were to provide a…

Sources Used in Documents:


Kelly, M. (n.d.). Why Did the Articles of Confederation Fail? Retrieved January 13, 2015, from http://americanhistory.about.com/od/governmentandpolitics/f/articles_of_confederation_fails.htm

Peacock, A.A. (n.d.). The Federalist Papers. Retrieved January 13, 2015, from http://www.heritage.org/initiatives/first-principles/primary-sources/the-federalist-papers

"The Federalist Papers." (n.d.). American History -- From Revolution to Reconstruction and Beyond. Retrieved January 13, 2015, from http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/documents/1786-1800/the-federalist-papers/

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