Gestures, I Realized That I Needed A Essay

¶ … gestures, I realized that I needed a bit more understanding regarding my own approach to non-verbal communication. I began by asking friends and associates about my non-verbal traits, and was actually surprised at their views telling me that often non-verbally I was more expressive than verbally. Learning about non-verbal communication, I found that it is much more than gesture, and includes looks, dress, hair style, jewelry, and more -- everything and every message we send to the outside world unspoken, but nevertheless important and meaningful. When we use non-verbal gestures, for instance, we can communicate a great deal through our body posture, facial expressions, arm & hand gestures, or combinations. When we speak, we use tone, timbre, style and rhythm to emphasize or express emotion, but because our communications are co complex, some experts believe that depending on the culture, over 80% of human communication has an element of non-verbalness. This was surprising to me until I had my friends take a short video of me without my knowledge and then watching how I communicated issues like my day, opinions on the news, or a movie, etc.

It was also surprising to find out that most of non-verbal communication was culturally based. Since I come from a family background in which gestures are wild and expressive, it also makes sense that I, too, would share that mode of communication. I then also began paying more attention to the non-verbal cues others were giving to me; and the difference in those cues between those whom I know and strangers. It seemed to me that these bits of non-verbalness or gesture either emphasized the point or in fact had opposite meanings than what was being communicated verbally. For instance, I went to the deli of a grocery store to order some meats and cheeses. The counter person did not smile, had sagged posture and dead eyes that would not even focus upon me and said, "Hi, hope you're having a good day. What can I get you?" -- Despite being greeted and...


While verbal communication certain has layers of interpretation, non-verbal communication is far less controllable. It may be more honest and truthful in many cases (showing disgust at something rather than covering up feelings), but it is very subjective to the recipient. A person with poor posture might just be fatigued, not communicating rudeness; a person smiling may be putting on a show simply to get through the day. Thus, even when examining my own gesture communication, I found that when among family and friends my gestures were far less controlled, particularly when I was talking or arguing about something about which I was quite passionate. In addition, I thought I would turn to the local public television station to watch highlights of senatorial or congressional debates or speeches prior to voting. One would think that these politicians who make a living talking, giving speeches and trying to impress their views upon others would be experts at using NVC techniques. In fact, with very few exceptions, most "read" to the audience. This text was often profound and obviously very important -- but delivered in a droll and monotone way. I decided to look at other famous speeches and see what I found: for instance, Winston Churchill's Iron Curtain speech was delivered more like a university lecture than a warning about communism; and in contrast, President John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Speech where gestures, tone and "connection" were apparent.
Finally, I realized that gesture, while an important part of non-verbal communication, was not the only way that ideas and attitudes are shared. For instance, style of dress tells people whether I am in a personal or professional situation, the pitch of my…

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Sometimes to deconstruct what someone else says or how they say it -- for instance overhearing students talk about a particular novel or painting and then using air-quotes to mimic what they said in a sarcastic movement.

This got me thinking -- do I use air-quotes as a way to be pretentious and all-knowing; sending messages that other people do not know what they are talking about, then I use the air-quote as a way to de-emphasize and deconstruct what they had to say. I began to ask friends and relatives about this; some said it was topic dependent, others mood dependent -- that when I am relaxed and having fun with friends, the topics can get more lively as the even progresses, thus allowing me more of an opportunity to poke fun at nearly everything for its veracity. For instance, note how air quotes are used in this political speech to really negate everything anyone else says about the matter:

My analysis tells me that I must like this gesture and use it as a way to express my discontent with the viewpoint, score, estimate, and call into question the facts that are either supposed to be common knowledge or facts given to us by various speakers. Because I think I overuse this gesture, which then ends up having the opposite point it is intended, I am going to work on using the air-quote less and only in situations in which I have a very strong opinion about someone else's truth. One of my friends commented that now it actually looks like I do not really believe in anything anyone says because everything has an air-quote around it, giving it a sense of disbelief in the first place. To de-emphasize this use, though, took realization, research into my own use of this gesture, and having friends and parents watch out and warn me about it when I've use it in the last 3-4 sentences.

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"Gestures I Realized That I Needed A", 06 October 2013, Accessed.18 April. 2024,

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