Golden Lb 2002 Case Studies In Child And Adolescent Counseling Case Study


Child and Adolescent Counseling Golden L.B.

Golden, L.B. (2002). Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling

Psychology -- Adolescent

The diagnosis, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD: DSM-IV-TR), is associated with adult victims of natural disaster or crime. History shows several cases of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that have been encountered by healthcare professionals. Here we have discussed a case study of a girl who suffered from this particular disorder. Her complex of blocked feelings was probed and her powerful healing force brought her back to a normal life. The purpose of this discussion is to understand and explore the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder through art and play therapy.

Golden, L.B. (2002). Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is classified as an emotional illness; it is an anxiety disorder, which develops after a life-threatening, frightening or highly unsafe experience. People suffering from PTSD try to avoid people or places that remind them of that particular frightening event. Here a case study from Golden, L.B. (2002). Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling is discussed. It is of a young girl, Kathy, who experienced the sudden death of her sister and was unable to accept it. Her parents consulted to Bruce St. Thomas, who diagnosed her with PTSD.

Kathy Peters; A case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD: DSM-IV-TR)

Kathy Peters, a seven-year-old girl, was referred to practice of Bruce St. Thomas on Sep 7, 1984, by her parents. Bruce St. Thomas is a consultant, psychotherapist and educator. He uses imagination, metaphor, myth and art for promoting awareness. Kathy's sister (Kim) had died, her parent's marriage broke up and also her mother was hospitalized as she had some psychiatric problems. Kathy's 18-month-old sister was killed while Kathy, along with her sister and baby-sitter; was crossing a street. Kathy saw her baby sis in hospital and she was frightened to know that her sister will never wake up.

Kathy's behavior started to change as told by her parents....


She refused to express her feelings and became more distant. She used to get very scared while crossing streets and also behaved fearfully while listening to siren sounds. St. Thomas chose the play therapy as the first method of intervention in this case. Although Kathy showed a very defensive attitude but slowly she enjoyed the play sessions with St. Thomas. She slowly promoted her feelings and started to verbalize her expressions.
During the play sessions, Kathy used to draw various things such as a flying tree, blue birds, a house where she lives with her parents, Sun and flowers. Most of the objects drew by her had some magical powers. St. Thomas felt positive changes after a couple of playing sessions with Kathy and slowly brought her out of the trauma. He devoted more than 45 sessions with Kathy.

Effective Art and Play therapy

St. Thomas used the art and play therapy effectively to bring the young attractive girl back to life. Kathy had a smiling face with blue eyes and brown hair. She always enjoyed in adult company and she also had very good verbal skills. St. Thomas designed a play room for her, which was equipped with string-puppet theatre, hand-puppet theatre, dolls, sand tray, play house, art table, marker board, kitchen utensils and stuffed animals. The art table had crayons, markers and oil paints. The initial sessions were devoted to the art therapy. St. Thomas allowed Kathy to move freely in the room as he wanted her to feel comfortable over there. Surprisingly she developed an attachment with a brown teddy bear. She even told him that she likes playing with teddy bears. Slowly St. Thomas started to ask her about her interest of drawing. He asked her to draw a picture of her family. Kathy moved around and chose a set of scented color markers. As each marker had a specific fragrance; therefore she used the ones that had good fragrances.

St. Thomas used to meet her once or twice a week and slowly Kathy started to reveal her fears in front of him. During her initial sessions she drew her boy-friend and named him Christ. She also drew a secret tunnel that…

Sources Used in Documents:


Morgan, L.J., Spears, L.S., & Kaplan, S. (2003). Making Children a National Priority: A Framework for Community Action. Washington DC: Child Welfare League of America.

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