Government George Washington's Farewell Address Term Paper


He consistently mentions how important it is to throw off geographical boundaries and beliefs, and unite in a common goal of freedom and liberty. He also notes that the Constitution is meant to be amended, but it must be treated with respect, rather than used as an instrument of power or greed. He warns against "alterations which will impair the energy of the system," and urges the people to give time to the government to work out kinks and discover problems, and that liberty will always be alive in this type of government. He also warns against "parties in the State," and calls them the worst enemy of democratic governments, because they represent the "domination of one faction over another," because it can create a variety of ills that can overthrow the government. He also urges a distinct division between departments, to ensure one does not gain power over another, overseen by a system of checks and balances to ensure division. He also strongly believes...


He also rails against public debt and notes wars can be extremely costly, so promoting peace is cost effective and good sense.
He urges good relationships with all nations, without giving favoritism or animosity to any one nation, and to guard against foreign influence in the government. He urges moderation in all foreign relations, especially in Europe, except in "extraordinary emergencies." He notes he took a neutral position in the 1793 French Revolution, and feels it was the best course for the country. He also hopes his actions will be remembered with kindness, and that he loves the country, and wants to enjoy his retirement secure in the knowledge the government is free and filled with "good laws."


Washington, George. "Farewell Address: 1796." The Avalon Project at Yale Law School. 1996.

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Washington, George. "Farewell Address: 1796." The Avalon Project at Yale Law School. 1996.

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