Government Shutdown A Shutdown Furlough Takes Place Article Review

Government Shutdown A shutdown furlough takes place in case of a lapse in appropriations, mostly at the commencement of a fiscal year, where funds have not been appropriated for that year, or when continuing resolution expires, or failing to pass a new continuing resolution or appropriations law. Whenever a shutdown furlough exists, agency affected is forced to shut down all the activities that are funded by annual appropriations that the law does not allow. In fact, this agency will face very little to do, failure of having lead time to plan as well as implement a shutdown furlough.

Following the recent shutdown furlough a direction was given to government agencies to execute plans for a systematic shutdown, which was to take place after Congress decided not to pass a funding bill to avoid disruption to some other government services. The tasked Office...


In his remarks President Barack Obama said that women, seniors and children would be "hamstrung" in case there was to be a government shutdown. He also regrets about this saying that "The shutdown will have a very real impact on real people right away."
As we are aware that conflict is endemic to budgeting and in case conflict between Congress and…

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"Government Shutdown A Shutdown Furlough Takes Place" (2013, October 31) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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"Government Shutdown A Shutdown Furlough Takes Place", 31 October 2013, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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