Ground It Is Noted That Term Paper


There is no single instructional strategy that can perfectly address such heterogeneous needs, as well as address the usual discrepancies in preparation, interests, ability levels, and learning styles. One instructional approach particularly helpful with middle school children is that of creating a differentiated class where a teacher may offer a variety of ways for students to explore the same areas of curriculum content, use different instructional strategies, and deploy different assessment techniques to make use of children's multiple intelligences (Tomlinson 1995). Breaking down the class into small instructional groups is another way to select students with similar needs and give them individualized attention. For more gifted students, offering...


Puberty 101.
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Retrieved 19 Mar 2008 at

Tomlinson, Carol Ann. (1995, Oct). "Differentiating instruction for advanced learners in the mixed-ability middle school classroom." ERIC Digest E536. Retrieved 19 Mar 2008 at

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Development: Middle school and early high school." (1997). Puberty 101.

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Retrieved 19 Mar 2008 at

Tomlinson, Carol Ann. (1995, Oct). "Differentiating instruction for advanced learners in the mixed-ability middle school classroom." ERIC Digest E536. Retrieved 19 Mar 2008 at

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