Hardest Decision I Ever Made Term Paper

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According to the vet, Toby was still asymptomatic, but would, in time, begin to suffer, as the cancer spread to his internal organs. The vet said that I would eventually have to decide when to put Toby down, because he could continue to live for quite a while after his first symptoms, but more and more uncomfortably. According to the vet, I would probably know when Toby began to suffer, because he would become less energetic and lose his appetite. The vet described a series of "ups and downs" and "good days and bad days" in Toby's future. A decided right there that the vet was wrong:...


Toby had been too good a friend to suffer any unnecessary pain at the end of his life and I decided that Toby would miss only one meal.
The first time he had a "bad day" and left his food uneaten, I returned with him to the vet's office for the last time. Toby could probably have lived as much as another six months or a year, but I wanted to spare him any discomfort, even at the expense of his company for as long as possible. It was the right thing to do... And the hardest decision I ever made.

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