Hazards In The Community Essay


The identification of general hazards and specific hazards that can occur in a particular region or area is the first step in development of a suitable emergency management plan. According to Shaw (2016), community-based disaster risk reduction commences with identification of these general and specific hazards that the community may be vulnerable to. These probable disasters become the premise for policy and processes that are established to help in emergency management, which includes prevention, reduction, recovery and mitigation. While communities could be vulnerable to certain kinds of general and specific hazards depending on their location, hazards can change for a community. Maier, Riddell & van Delden (2017) attribute changes in hazards for a community to risks that are being built today. Human activity in today’s world generate numerous environmental risks that enhances the likelihood of change in hazards for a community.

Decisions made today are likely to increase or decrease future risk of natural and/or man-made hazards. For example, hazards for a community could change due to climate change, which is brought by today’s decisions and activities undertaken by humans and their impact on the environment. Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Katrina are examples of how hazards can change for a community. One of the major lessons from these natural hazards is that an extreme event is not necessary for major damage to occur (Cutter & Emrich, 2015). Even though communities should know the general and specific hazards they are exposed to, unexpected natural hazards are likely to occur such as Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Katrina because of climate change. The changes in hazards for a community are also influenced by pre-existing social and environmental vulnerability, which also affect disaster planning, recovery, response, and emergency management processes.


Cutter, S. & Emrich, C. (2015, June 25). A Tale of Two Recoveries: 5 Lessons from Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy. Retrieved January 26, 2019, from http://www.govtech.com/em/disaster/A-Tale-of-Two-Recoveries-Hurricanes-Katrina-and-Sandy-.html

Maier, H.R., Riddell, G. & van Delden, H. (2017, November 15). Natural Hazard Risk: Is it Just Going to Get Worse or Can We Do Something About It? The Conversation. Retrieved January 26, 2019, from http://theconversation.com/natural-hazard-risk-is-it-just-going-to-get-worse-or-can-we-do-something-about-it-84286

Shaw, R. (2016, August). Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction. Retrieved January 26, 2019, from http://oxfordre.com/naturalhazardscience/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780199389407.001.0001/acrefore-9780199389407-e-47


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