Health Syphilis -- Viewed From Thesis

Accordingly, sexual life should be moderated during the daily health care and rehabilitation. In severe cases, sexual life should be stopped for the time being (Syphilis, n.d.). There are several tests that can be used to for Syphilis. These include: Syphilis Serum Test, the venereal diseases research laboratory test (VDRL test), unheated serum reagin test (USR test), rapid plasma reagin card test (RPR test), and cardiophospholipid is used as an antigen to examine the anti-cardiophospholipid antibody in serum. This test is used for screening examination. In spirochete antigen test, such as fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test (FTA-ABS test), Treponema pallidum hemagglutination test (TPHA), usually the diagnosis of syphilis can be confirmed by positive result in the spirochete antigen test (Syphilis, n.d.).

Secondary Level

Treatment is based on syndrome differentiation. The first syndrome is that of Syndrome of Dampness and Heat in the Liver Meridian. Main Symptoms include single hard papule in the external genitalia and anus or breast, surrounding swelling, burning sensation in the infected area, white and hard mass in size of apricot kernel or egg in the inguinal groove, bayberry eruption, bayberry nodes or bayberry plaque in the chest, abdomen, lumbus, flexion aspects of the four limbs and neck, accompanied by bitter taste in the mouth, poor appetite, scanty and brown urine, constipation, yellowish and greasy tongue coating, wiry and rapid pulse. The therapeutic method used for this syndrome includes clearing the liver, dissolving toxins, removing dampness and alleviating plaque (Syphilis, n.d.).

A second syndrome is that of the Syndrome of Mixture of Phlegm and Blood Stasis. The main symptoms include purple red chancre sores with hard and protruded border, or tough bubo, or purple nodular bayberry sores, or belly as hard as a brick, hepatosplenomegaly, slightly purple tongue or dark tongue, greasy or moist coating, slippery or thready and hesitant pulse. The therapeutic methods used for this syndrome include expelling stasis, to dissolve toxins, to dissipate phlegm and disperse accumulation (Syphilis, n.d.).

A third syndrome is that of the Syndrome of Dampness Accumulation due to Spleen Deficiency. The main symptoms of this include ruptured chancre sores, slight moisture on the surface, or extensive ulceration, dark brown skin color, or dermal boils with discharge of yellowish fluid, or falling putrid flesh, without healing for a long time, accompanied by soreness and pain in the tendons and bones, stuffy chest, poor appetite, loose stool, fatigue in the limbs and heavy sensation in the body, flabby and moist tongue, greasy coating, slippery or soft pulse. The therapeutic methods that are used include strengthening the spleen, removing dampness, dissolving toxins and dissipating turbidity (Syphilis, n.d.).

Another syndrome is that of the Syndrome of Qi and Blood Deficiency. The main symptoms include long duration, pale granulation in the ulcerous surface, with thin purulent fluid and without healing for a long time, withered yellowish complexion, accompanied by dizziness, blurred vision, palpitation, anxiety, short breath, reluctance to speak, pale tongue, thin coating, thready and forceless pulse. The therapeutic methods that are used include replenishing qi, nourishing blood, supporting anti-pathogenic ability and consolidating constitutional foundation (Syphilis, n.d.).

The last syndrome is that of the Syndrome of Qi and Yin Deficiency. The main symptoms of this syndrome include a lingering low fever,...


The therapeutic methods used for this syndrome include benefit qi, nourish yin, tonify the kidney and refill essence (Syphilis, n.d.).
Tertiary level

For long-term care and rehabilitation the following methods are recommended. One simple and proved formula that is used is that of Tufuling Mixture. It is given as one dose a day with water. This formula is suitable to be used to treat those whose positive syphilis serum test does not change with sufficient dosage of western medications. Sometimes it is advisable to apply Chong He Ointment externally for swelling without rupture, and to mix with Wu Pellet externally for those with rupture and cover the wound with Hong You Ointment. If Mter purulent pus is removed, it is advisable to mix Sheng Ji San and cover the wound with the gauze prepared with Sheng Ji Yu Hong Ointment. E Huang Powder or Zhenzhu Powder is often used on chancre externally, three times a day (Syphilis, n.d.).


The clinical diagnosis and treatment of syphilis in Traditional Chinese Medicine is mainly based on the yin-yang and five elements theories. These theories use the phenomena and laws of nature in order to the study the physiological activities and pathological changes that occur in the human body along with their interrelationships. Classic TCM therapies include acupuncture, herbal medicine, and qigong exercises. Acupuncture treatment consists of stimulating certain areas of the external body. Herbal medicine takes action on zang-fu organs internally, while qigong tries to restore the orderly information flow inside the network through the regulation of Qi. Although these therapies appear very different in approach they all share the same underlying sets of assumptions and insights in the nature of the human body and its place in the universe (Introduction to TCM, n.d.).


Introduction to TCM. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2010, from Traditional Chinese Medicine

Page Web site:

Kent, Molly E. And Romanelli, Frank. (2008). Reexamining Syphilis: An Update on Epidemiology, Clinical Manifestations, and Management. Retrieved January 27, 2010,

from Medscape Web site:

Risk factors. (2008). Retrieved January 28, 2010, from the Mayo Clinic Web site:

Syphilis. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2010, from Department of Health Promotion and Education Web site:

Syphilis. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2010, from Discovery TCM Web site:


Syphilis. (2008). Retrieved January 28, 2010, from Illinois Department of Public Health Web


Syphilis. (2010). Retrieved January 27, 2010, from MedlinePlus Web site:

Syphilis: A Sexual Scourge with a Long History. (2009). Retrieved January 27, 2010, from Info

please Web site:

Sources Used in Documents:


Introduction to TCM. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2010, from Traditional Chinese Medicine

Page Web site:

Kent, Molly E. And Romanelli, Frank. (2008). Reexamining Syphilis: An Update on Epidemiology, Clinical Manifestations, and Management. Retrieved January 27, 2010,

from Medscape Web site:
Syphilis. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2010, from Department of Health Promotion and Education Web site:
please Web site:

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