Holistic Essays (Examples)

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Holistic Skin Care vs Conventional
Pages: 5 Words: 1596

Other less scientific-sounding remedies for preventing premature aging of the skin are suggested by omen to omen (www.womentowomen.com); for one, "drink plenty of water, which helps maintain internal balance"; for another, in order to repair damage to the body's cells, the site recommends antioxidants such as: Vitamin C, Vitamin E (rice bran oil and palm fruit oil), Coenzyme Q-10, Alpha-lipoic acid, dimethylaminoethanol (found in fish), carotenoids (found in the yellow and orange flesh of plant leaves, flowers and fruit), and flavonoids (in green tea, soy isoflavones and red wine).

The basic rules offered by omen to omen as far as maintaining healthy skin are simple: drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of filtered water daily; eat whole foods and increase your intake of antioxidant-rich foods like colorful vegetables, berries, fruit and green tea.

As to the question -- which is healthier and more effective in approaching wrinkles and other skin signs…...


Works Cited

Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioners. (2009). Newest Information on Holistic

Health. Retrieved November 16, 2009, from  http://www.holisticskincarepractitioners.org .

Bio-Medicine. (2009). Ambra-Lift. Retrieved November 16, 2009, from   and  http://www.prweb.com .http://www.bio-medicine.org 

Judar, Nina J. (2008). Holistic Hands. Town & Country. 162.5342, p. 142.

Holistic Family Importance of a
Pages: 3 Words: 1212

This might also be supplemented with a regular multi-vitamin strategy for Tyrone and for his family. This also hints at the need for significant dietary strategy changes for Tyrone. However, as the family profile denotes, many of these issues stem from the habits of his wife Susan, who has taken on the familial role as the provider of food and the role model for eating habits.
Another issue which will involve counseling with both Tyrone and Susan would address Tyrone's emotional response to issues concerning their mixed-race marriage. Namely, Tyrone has expressed concern that frustrations over the judgments of others will lead him to behave in a manner which he regrets. This may suggest the need for anger-counseling, taken not from the perspective that Tyrone suffers from inordinate rage, but from the view that his anger must be given proper outlets. Such is to say that while his frustrations with…...


Works Cited:

Walter, S. (2010). American Holistic Health Association (AHHA). Ahha.org.

Holistic Nutrition Consultant Legal Boundaries in
Pages: 2 Words: 700

This has created an increase in the employment of doctors, higher morale for those who wanted to practice holistic medicine and are now allowed to, and more respect for healthcare administrators, who were willing to change with the times. The long-term implications of the increase of women in healthcare administration are hard to determine, but it appears that a larger focus on women's health issues and holistic therapy will be at the forefront of anything they do. The popularity of herbal remedies continues to grow (Wilson, 2005). Along with them, other forms of holistic medicine seem to be gaining popularity. Massage, yoga, acupuncture, acupressure, and other 'new-age' remedies are becoming more sought-after by patients who want second opinions or other options. The future holds many exciting innovations in each of these areas, and practicing medicine without a license does not seem to be as serious of a concern for most…...



Hale, Chris. (1998). Changes in Health Care. ***'s College Resources. http://www.*****/Reports/Medicine/Chnages_in_Health_Care.shtml

Wilson, L. (2005). Legal Guidelines for Unlicensed Practitioners. L.D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.

Holistic Wellness Targeted Objective Nutrition
Pages: 2 Words: 668

A significant danger here could be a basic lack of self-esteem caused by sneering attitudes from peers when attempting to take part in physical fitness programs. Body issues are also a significant factor here.
Emotional wellness is closely connected to social wellness, especially when it comes to the school setting. Being bullied and abused by one's peers as a result of a certain lack of prowess or excess body weight could be a heavy burden on a child's emotional wellness.

Environmental wellness means that risk is minimized in terms of health, socioeconomic status, education, and so on. The school environment should therefore be set up in such a way as to minimize the risks to the health of young students.

Spiritual wellness means that a state of balance and harmony is achieved within the individual. This includes elements such as trust and integrity and a commitment to a purpose. This could then…...



American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2008, May). Facts for Families: Obesity in Children and Teens. No. 79. Retrieved from:  http://www.aacap.org/cs/root/facts_for_families/obesity_in_children_and_teens 

Healthy People 2020. Nutrition and Weight Status. Retrieved from:  http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/objectiveslist.aspx?topicId=29 

Lundy, K.S. And Janes, S. (2009) Community health nursing: caring for the public's health. Jones & Bartlett.

Holistic Approach to New Product
Pages: 2 Words: 653

Over the course of his essay, Tracey attempts to demonstrate that his research and outside empirical support justifies his desire to include more parties early in new product development. Use all available data when deciding to embark upon a new product, he suggests, rather than later on, after the decision to develop the product has been made. The participation of all involved members, he believes, can have a positive and demonstrated impact upon a new product's manufacturing efficiency, thus increasing profits from the get-go, and mitigating some of the inevitable losses that occur early on in production.

Tracey believes that a new product's agility and receptivity to market forces can be enhanced with the additional input. Also, by improving delivery service through involving suppliers and distributors, one can also cut costs. Lastly, by integrating all of these members in the developing product's supply chain, overall organizational performance in development is enhanced…...


Works Cited

Tracey, M. (2004) "A Holistic Approach to New Product Development: New Insights." Journal of Supply Chain Management. Vol. 40. No. 4, pp. 37-55.

Holistic Diagnostic You're Going to Get Better --
Pages: 2 Words: 654

You're going to get better -- it's just going to take some time," I said, holding her hand. "But you know it's ok to be angry. You can accept your reality and at the same time fight it."

She stared at me quizzically, furrowing her brow. "What exactly are you trying to say?" she asked.

I thought I made myself perfectly clear. As I stared at my friend, who had recently been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, I suddenly realized what a barrier language can be in human communications. I squeezed her hand, somehow hoping that I could transmit my thoughts to her through our skin. When that didn't work, Loreen repeated her herself. "I really don't know what you mean." sighed and released my grip on her soft, cold hand. I knew I could never truly understand what Loreen was going through and I didn't want to come across as being…...

Holistic Health Tufts University Health
Pages: 3 Words: 898

As one expert writes, "It's not easy to change bad habits and take responsibility for your actions, but you'll find that life is far more rewarding when you do" (Ferrazzi, 2008, pg. 29). According to Ferrazzi changing little things in your life like your diet and vitamin regime will help your body forestall the little injuries that affect us all and will also keep the body in a healthier state. Another writer also extols the virtue of listening to one's individual body. She writes, "Heed your inner mechanic and Matson's advice: "The path is finding out who you are within your own anatomy." (Eigner, 2006, pg. 46). In other words, find out what works best for your individual body and implement it. Eigner also says that this should be done in conjunction with doctor's advice, but that the holistic approach can be one that is less costly monetarily and physically.…...



Boosting potassium could cut hypertension cases 10%; (2008) Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter, Vol. 26, No. 9, pg. 8

Eigner, J.; (2006) Your body, yourself, Dance Magazine, Vol. 80, No. 8, pp. 46-48

Ferrazzi, K.; (2008) Get over yourself, Advocate (Los Angeles); No. 1001, pg. 29

Gould, K.; (2006) Holistic community development: Wellness for the collective body, American Indian Culture and Research Journal, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 59-74

Holistic Practice Imagery
Pages: 8 Words: 2176

Imagery and of the Management of Patient Stress, Anxiety and Depression
The use of imagery visualization and imagery therapy as an important part of the professional nurse repertoire has recently begun receiving attention in the Nursing profession as well as in other healing-related professions. As a caregiver the nurse makes use of various professional methods and therapies to promote the well-being of the patient. New approaches and "alternative modalities" of nursing practice and theory are explored in the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Dr. Noreen Frisch, in an article entitled, Nursing as a context for alternative/complementary modalities, reviews the incorporation of alternative and complementary models of care for Registered Nurses.

With increasing consumer and professional interest in alternative and complementary care, Registered Nurses (RNs) are incorporating alternative/complementary modalities into their practices. While these modalities give nurses additional tools to meet client needs, many of these modalities are taught and used by…...



Acbterberg, J. (1992). Transpersonal Medicine -- A Proposed System of Healing. Re-vision, 14(3), 127-127.

Brolinson, P.G., Price, J.H., & Ditmyer, M. (2001). Nurses' Perceptions of Complementary and Alternative Medical Therapies. Journal of Community Health, 26(3), 175. Retrieved April 8, 2004, from Questia database,  http://www.questia.com .

Mammah, P. (2003) Complementary therapy in chronic wound management: A Holistic caring case study and praxis model. Holistic Nursing Practice; vol 17: 3

Calladine, M.L. (1996). Nursing Process for Health Promotion Using King's Theory. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 13(1), 51-58.

European Union's Holistic Security Policy in One
Pages: 4 Words: 1449

European Union's Holistic Security Policy in One of Its Neighboring egions
The objective of this study is to critique the European Union's 'holistic security policy' in its neighboring region or that of Eastern Europe, Ukraine, ussian and Belarus and to analyze this region from different perspectives including economic, political, and traditional military power. The European Security Strategy is based upon "a comprehensive or holistic approach to security" and states that the member states and the EU will work cooperatively to address security priorities "in a framework that emphasizes multilateral institutions (specifically the UN and regional organizations) and the rule of law (upholding the principle of the use of force as a last resort)." (Quille, 2004) What this means is that effective multilateralism will address even threats to security such as weapons of mass destruction as well as "proliferation and international terrorism." (Quille, 2004) These types of threats will be handled…...



Emerson, Michael (2005) EU-Russia: Four Common Spaces and the Proliferation of the Fuzzy, CEPS Policy Brief No. 71

Emerson, Michael (ed) 2006 The Elephant and the Bear Try Again Options for a New Agreement between the EU and Russia, WWW.CEPS.BE

Emerson, Michael et al. (2006) A New Agreement between the EU and Russia: Why, what and when, CEPS Policy Brief No. 103.

Quille, G. (2004) The European Security Strategy: A Framework for EU Security Interests? International Peacekeeping, Vol.11, No.3, Autumn 2004, pp.422 -- 438. Retrieved from:  http://dcafsp.tripod.com/readings/EU_Security%20Strategy.pdf

Ayurveda and Holistic Nursing
Pages: 5 Words: 1469

Ayurvedic health care system, which is a 2000-year-old comprehensive and holistic system of health care with roots in the Indian subcontinent. Ayurvedic medicine includes various phytocompounds (plant-based medicines) that can be used internally or topically. While research has yet to use sufficient randomly selected clinical trials, empirical evidence does support the use of some Ayurvedic preparations and treatments in nursing. The specific implications for evidence-based practice are discussed in this paper.
The Vedas refer to a canon of Hindu spiritual texts penned about 2000 years ago, and the Ayurveda is located within this canon. However, the Ayurvedic system of medicine evolved over time and is not contained in a single compendium any more than allopathic medicine is. ather, a "systematic development" of Ayurveda can be traced throughout Indian history until the postmodern era (Narayanaswamy, 1981). As nurses look increasingly to expend the content and quality of complementary care, Ayurveda is…...



Chopra, A., Saluja, M. & Tillu, G. (2010). Ayurveda-modern medicine interface: A critical appraisal of studies of Ayurvedic medicines to treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Gulati, S., Qureshi, A., Srivastava, A., Kataria, K., Kumar, P. & Balakrishna Ji, A. (2011). A prospective randomized study to compare the effectiveness of honey dressing vs. Povidone iodine dressing in chronic wound healing. Indian Journal of Surgery, July 2012.

Krishnamurthy, M.N. & Telles, S. (2007). Assessing depression following two ancient Indian interventions: effects of yoga and ayurveda on older adults in a residential home. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 33(2): 17-23.

Narayanaswamy, V. (1981). Origin and development of Ayurveda (A brief summary). Anc Sci Life. 1981 Jul-Sep; 1(1): 1 -- 7.

Natural Holistic Medication Holistic Medication Is the Science
Pages: 2 Words: 637

Natural/Holistic Medication
Holistic medication is the science and art that addresses the care of a person as a whole, which is the spirit, the body and the mind. This therefore means that each person is considered as a unique individual; and as a result healing takes place when the spiritual, physical, social, emotional and environmental aspects are properly balanced by either medication or even meditation because these are the main aspects that bring about diseases when there is an imbalance as noted by American Holistic medical Association, 2012).


One of the most common herbal medications with a huge presence in health food stores all over the world would be 'Echinacea' also known as the purple cone flower among many other names. Its medicinal value is found in its roots, flower and leaves. Echinacea is used mostly in the treatment of infections like common cold and other upper respiratory tract infections. At the…...



American Holistic medical Association (AHMA) (2012). About Holistic Medicine: What is Holistic Medicine? Retrieved March 28, 2012 from http://www.holisticmedicine.org/content.asp?pl=2&sl=43&contentid=43

Aiken-Augusta Holistic Health, Inc., (2011). Benefits of Echinacea:

it stops a cold when used right. Retrieved March 28, 2012 from http://www.holistic-medicine-md.com/benefits-of-echinacea.html

Self-Help Nursing Holistic Health and
Pages: 6 Words: 1607

Of particular value in connecting my thoughts and actions is Covey's rationale for the required paradigm shift.
This has proven true many times over in my career as a registered nurse. The variety of illnesses and injuries which present in my ward are eclipsed only by the variety of individual personalities, family situations, cultural expectations and comprehensive abilities. These, among many other variables, demonstrate just how important it is as a practicing nurse to be able to open one's self up to an infinite variety of worldviews. ith Covey's text, one gains a greater understanding of just differently our individuals perspectives make us from one another. As I have helped to guide individuals through trauma or from sickness to recovery, I have found that I must work first to understand them if I expect to be understood. In other words, to effectively provide patients with critical instructions, information or education,…...


Works Cited:

Covey, S.R. (2004). Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Revised Edition. Free Press.

Homeopathy Is a Holistic Structure
Pages: 2 Words: 651

The Sycotic diathesis is just the opposite of the psoric diathesis. It often occurs without the person even knowing it. Since the person has stopped eliminating, there are no initial symptoms when they take in something toxic. Instead the toxin is stored in the body, in the liver or in the tissue of a particular organ system. Symptoms often develop later, as the entire system becomes overloaded and the toxins begin to spill out from where they are being stored (Diathesis, 2009).
The Luetic individual is one whose eliminations tend to be destructive. These people are so continually full of toxins that they tend to suffer from chronic inflammation and chronic infections. These people's rhythms are off, they tend towards substance abuse and they often respond poorly to most therapies. Hahnemann described the Syphillitic miasm as a lesional miasm, since there is often an actual physical change or lesion involved…...



Diathesis. (2009). Retrieved January 21, 2010, from Options Naturopathic Clinic Web site:


Homeopathy. (2009). Retrieved January 21, 2010, from Answers.com Web site:


Public Budgeting in America Holistic
Pages: 2 Words: 677

Question 3. The qualitative approach to forecasting is based on the assumption that the human brain has a better understanding of the future than do mathematical models. Humans are able to digest large quantities of information and are better capable of dealing with ambiguity, something that is a primary feature of the forecasting activity. This approach relies on the expertise of the person or people involved, however. As such, it is typically at least complemented by some form of quantitative forecasting.

Time series forecasting is a method by which forecasts of the future are produced based on past events. There are many different techniques of time series forecasting, such as trend line or method of averages, but each technique is based on extrapolation of past data into the future. This technique is simple, and if future conditions are reasonably similar to past conditions it can also be fairly accurate. The downside…...

Benefits of Experience in Holistic Nursing
Pages: 4 Words: 1093

PRAC : Clinical SkillsandProcedures Self-Assessment FormFNP StudentsSkill / ProcedureConfident (Can complete independently)Mostly Confident (Can complete with supervision)Beginning(Has performed with supervision or need supervision to feel confident)New(Has never performed or does not apply)Rapid Strep TestxOphthalmic ExaminationxOtoscopic ExaminationxRapid Influenza testingxInhalation TherapyxInterpret Chest X-rayxPeak flow meterxPulmonary Function TestsxAsthma and allergy action care planxEKG Performance and InterpretationxWound CarexPPD ReadingxKOH skin slide for fungusxDigital Rectal ExamxFecal Occult Blood TestingxInterpret H/HxMini Mental Status ExamxGait and Balance AssessmentxBreast ExaminationxObtaining vaginal culturexHARK screeningxContraceptive PlanningxHerpes CulturexPap SmearxSTI TestingxAuscultation Fetal Heart TonesxFundal Height AssessmentxPregnancy TestxEPPDS ScreeningxPelvic ExamxTesticular ExamxProstate Exam/DRExUrodynamic StudyxAerosol/Inhalation AdministrationxInterpret Laboratory/Diagnostic TestingxInformed ConsentxNormal Growth and Development evaluationxCerumen Impaction Removal (irrigation)xCerumen Impaction Removal (curette)xFluorescein StainingxWoods Light ExaminationxCorneal Foreign Body RemovalxManagement of Epistaxis (Packing and Removal)xRemove Foreign Body (ear, eye, nose, soft tissue, other)xPeak flow meter Measurement and InterpretationxPulmonary Function Test Performance and InterpretationxBurn Treatment/dressingxCryotherapyxShave BiopsyxPunch BiopsyxSuturingSimple Interrupted Sutures and Suture RemovalxStaple PlacementxSkin Adhesive PlacementxToenail AvulsionxIncision and DrainagexSubungual Hematoma EvacuationxSkin Tag…...



Abich IV, J., Parker, J., Murphy, J. S., & Eudy, M. (2021). A review of the evidence for training effectiveness with virtual reality technology. Virtual Reality, 25(4), 919-933.

Kumar, B. N., & Diaz, E. (Eds.). (2019). Migrant health: a primary care perspective. CRC Press.

Murad, L., Bouhadana, D., Nguyen, D. D., Chughtai, B., Zorn, K. C., Bhojani, N., & Elterman, D. S. (2023). Treating LUTS in Men with Benign Prostatic Obstruction: A Review Article. Drugs & Aging, 1-22.

Can you help me write a generic What have I learned essay for a professional skills community college course?
Words: 338

When I think about what I have learned in my professional skills course, I think of those things that my parents would have called “soft skills.”  To me, they are the factors that make the difference between someone looking good on a resume and someone doing well in an interview and on the job.  They include several factors that relate to how well a person can work in a team, as well as factors that demonstrate someone’s ability to manage time.

Time management is probably the most important skill I have learned from this course.  I never had....

I need help with a peer reviewed Annotated Bibliography for Maslow hierarchy of needs?
Words: 388

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory that suggests that people have different levels of needs. They cannot focus on higher needs until their lower needs are met. This hierarchy has applications in many areas of life, so you can find a ton of articles on the theory.

In Maslow’s theory, needs ascend in the following order

  • Physiological needs
  • Safety needs
  • Love and social belonging needs
  • Esteem needs
  • Cognitive needs
  • Aesthetic needs
  • Self-actualization (added later in expanded needs)
  • Transcendence (added later in expanded needs)

Until a person has met their lower needs they do not have the resources to focus on meeting higher needs.

Some sources you could....

Discuss a completed holistic nursing assessment and relate it to the evidence based on person centered care?
Words: 375

Person centered care focuses on the patient as an entire human being, not just as a person experiencing an illness, injury, or other health emergency. The approach is gaining traction in healthcare and mental healthcare. There are five essential elements in person-centered care. They include understanding what motivates people to act how they do; controlling how you respond to behavior you find challenging; honoring the patient’s preferences when you can do so without compromising patient care; changing to a strength-based mindset instead of focusing on deficits; and changing the culture of staff and....

What role do teachers play in literacy for all students in all subjects?
Words: 508

Teachers play a crucial and multi-faceted role in promoting literacy across all subjects, not just in language arts. This role extends beyond traditional reading and writing skills to encompass a wide range of literacy types, including digital, informational, and subject-specific literacies. Here’s an overview of the key roles teachers play in literacy for all students in all subjects:

Facilitators of Skill Development: Teachers are responsible for developing students' basic literacy skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This is essential across all subjects, as these skills are the foundation for understanding and engaging with content in any area.

Integrators of Subject-Specific Literacy:....

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