Inch Tall, Life Would Be Essay


Since there would be no way for me to use the bathroom, I would probably ask for a plastic bottle cap with a little water in it and I would ask my mother to put the bottle cap with me on the floor of the closet for some privacy. I don't think I'd be too comfortable showering in front of her, even if I were only an inch tall, so I would ask her to cut me a small piece of towel and put me in the tub under a very light shower and I would make sure the drain screen was in so that I wouldn't accidentally get sucked down the drain with the water. For breakfast, I would probably ask her to just give me a single Cheerio and I would probably need her to crush it up for me since it would be the size of a truck tire to me and I would have no way of cutting it since the smallest knife we have would be the size of a telephone pole to me. After my Cheerio crumb breakfast, my mother would probably find a padded digital camera or...


Maybe she could cut a hole in it for me to stick my head out and then attach it to a seatbelt across the empty car seat; either that or she might dig out my last car seat from the garage to rig up a camera case-car seat contraption. Of course, I wouldn't want to leave the house naked, so I'd probably ask my mother to cut the thumb off a glove and cut some holes in it to wear like those ridiculous pajama-blanket things that they advertise on television at 3:00 AM.
Most of my teachers would probably be pretty understanding about my situation but I'm not that sure about one of my teachers: he would probably say something like "We all have difficulties and many responsibilities, but waking up one inch tall is not a valid excuse for missing my class or not handing in your homework; I'm sure you could have found something to write with that isn't bigger than you."

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