Interview -- Doctoral Researchers Writing Thesis

Related Topics:

Data Collection and Processing

This seemed to be the most expensive stage of research. In Jane's quantitative work, she had to produce questionnaires and encode each one of them in the statistical software she used. Tokens were also given to respondents. Data collection and processing took a big chunk of her timelines. Carlos, on the other hand, had to spend much time interviewing his respondents because it is a qualitative research. He needed to revisit his respondents multiple times in order to build rapport with the respondents and ensure high quality of data. Data processing was also tedious because Carlos had to devise the usual matrix of answers of the many respondents he had.

Writing the Dissertation

Both Jane and Carlos believe that their dissertation chair was of great help during this state. They helped Jane and Carlos in analyzing their data, advised on which direction they should take, and even provided editorial help. The dissertation chair helped them in polishing their work which would take them to the final stage of the dissertation -- the defense to the dissertation committee.


Plan! Plan! Plan! My respondent believes that planning in every step of the way is important in completing your dissertation. You should be able to have contingent plans ready as well. And most...


(2007). The Practice of Social Research (12th ed.). CA: Wadsworth Publishing.
Frey, L., C. Botan, P. Friedman, and G. Kreps. (1992). Interpreting Communication Research: A Case Study Approach. Allyn & Bacon.

Interview Guide

Introduction and Interview Objectives

Interview Questions:

1. Could you please tell me more about the research topic you worked on during your doctoral degree? What was is particularly about?

2. Why did you choose this topic?

3. Are there any major difficulties in choosing your research topic?

4. How were you able to come up with your dissertation chair and committee? What are you bases in choosing them?

5. How have they helped you in the research process?

6. How was your data collection experience like? What were the instruments you used? How costly was it?

7. How was your data analysis? How difficult was it?

8. How long did it take you to finish the entire research process?

9. On a general note, how was the actual research experience like?

10. Any recommendations to future dissertation writers?

Sources Used in Documents:


Babbie, E. (2007). The Practice of Social Research (12th ed.). CA: Wadsworth Publishing.

Frey, L., C. Botan, P. Friedman, and G. Kreps. (1992). Interpreting Communication Research: A Case Study Approach. Allyn & Bacon.

Interview Guide

Introduction and Interview Objectives

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