Interview: Health United Coordinator Working Interview


While she does not use any special communication skills, she has taken medical terminology classes to help her understand medical jargon. Because she is in charge of supply monitoring, she has a duty in her job position to report suspicious drug usage and prescribing by the duty physicians. This is not an ethical or legal duty that subjects her to liability, but is still a job duty. Her employer has set up a reporting system for all unit coordinators who are in charge of supplies. Furthermore, the hospital has set up privacy procedures to ensure HIPPAA compliance. Glenda is not responsible for helping meet clinical or non-clinical guidelines for patient care. Conclusion

As a long-term hospital employee in a specialized position, Glenda's experience as a unit coordinator may differ from the average unit coordinator's experience. In addition, that she began her job so long ago suggests that her educational background may not be relevant for a modern emerging professional. However, her specialized position demonstrates that there is substantial opportunity available in the field.

Appendix 1: Interview Questions

1. How long have you been working in the hospital?

2. What are your specific duties?

3. What is your role in the emergency department?

4. Who do you work with most closely in your job?

5. What do you consider your prime responsibility?

6. What is...


Did you have any education that was specific to your career?
8. Do you have any specialized training?

9. Did you obtain a health-care related 2-year degree?

10. Did you obtain a health-care related 4-year degree?

11. What is the salary range for your position?

12. Does your office have written standards for policies and procedures for your position?

13. Is your scope of duties limited?

14. How is your performance evaluated?

15. What special communication skills do you use in your position?

16. Have you had any communication training or education?

17. Are there ethical guidelines for your position?

18. What does your employer do to ensure adherence to any relevant ethical guidelines?

19. Are you responsible for helping meet clinical guidelines?

20. Are you responsible for helping meet non-clinical guidelines?


National Association of Health Unit Coordinators. (2012). Standards of practice for health unit coordinators. Retrieved December 15, 2012 from NAHUC website:

MHA Health Careers Center. (2004). Health unit coordinator. Retrieved December 15, 2012

from Health Careers Center website:

Sources Used in Documents:


National Association of Health Unit Coordinators. (2012). Standards of practice for health unit coordinators. Retrieved December 15, 2012 from NAHUC website:

MHA Health Careers Center. (2004). Health unit coordinator. Retrieved December 15, 2012

from Health Careers Center website:

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"Interview Health United Coordinator Working" (2012, December 15) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Interview Health United Coordinator Working" 15 December 2012. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

"Interview Health United Coordinator Working", 15 December 2012, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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