Intifada Causes Of The First Term Paper


Aruri, Occupation; Janet Abu-Lughod. "The Demographic Transformation of Palestine," in Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, ed., The Transformation of Palestine (Evanston, III.: Northwestern University Press, 1987).

Rodinson, Israel; Farsoun, "Settler Colonialism." See also Elia Zureik, The Palestinians in Israel: A Study in Internal Colonialism (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979).

J. Abu-Lughod, "The Demographic Transformation."

Aruri, Occupation; I. Abu-Lughod, George T. Abed, ed., The Palestinian Economy (London: Routledge Champan & Hall, 1988).

Lea Tsemel, "Personal Status and Rights," in Aruri, Occupation, p. 64.

Aruri, "Dialectics of Dispossession," pp. 16-19.

Meron Benvenisti, 1987 Report: Demographic, Economic, Legal, Social and Political Developments in the West Bank (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1987), p. 40.

Muhammad Hallaj, "Israel's...


Abu-Lughod, ed. Palestinian Rights, pp. 95-106;
Jan Abu-Shakrah, "The Iron Fist, October 1985 to January 1986," Journal of Palestine Studies 15, no. 4 (Summer 1986): 121.

Mohammed K. Shadid, "Israeli Policy Towards Economic Development in the West Bank and Gaza," in Abed, Palestinian Economy, p. 121.

Roger Owen, "The West Bank Now: Economic Development," in Peter F. Krogh and Mary C. McDavid, eds., Palestinians Under Occupation: Prospects for the Future (Washington, D.C.: Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, 1989), p. 49.

Laurence Harris, "Money and Finance with Undeveloped Banking in the Occupied Territories," in Abed, Palestinian Economy, p. 191.

Joost Hiltermann, "The Dynamics of Mass Mobilization and the Uprising: The Case of the Labor Movement," paper presented at "The Palestinians: New Directions,"…

Sources Used in Documents:

Laurence Harris, "Money and Finance with Undeveloped Banking in the Occupied Territories," in Abed, Palestinian Economy, p. 191.

Joost Hiltermann, "The Dynamics of Mass Mobilization and the Uprising: The Case of the Labor Movement," paper presented at "The Palestinians: New Directions," Fourteenth Annual Symposium, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, May 4-5, 1989.P. 5

Hallaj, "Israel's Palestinian Policy," p. 99.

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