Looking Into Communication And Interpersonal Skills Essay

Communication and Interpersonal Skills A cousin of mine has a personality that may be labeled as "passive." On many occasions, I have noticed her putting the needs of others first, while considering her personal needs secondary. She constantly fears others' disapproval. She wishes for others' comfort, even if it is at the expense of her own happiness. She is reluctant to voice her views, believing others can do a better job at this. She constantly has qualms regarding the decisions she makes, and gets easily swayed by others' words. I am constantly trying to make her realize that this weakness in her is bad. Seldom have I noticed her anger towards anybody who wrongs her; therefore, she is taken advantage of. Recently, she confided in me that a friend of hers always gets her to complete her assignments; my cousin just cannot say 'no', thus, doesn't. Clearly, she's being exploited by her friend, but lacks the will to decline her demands. Quite often, I have observed her bearing the blame for others' mistakes. Wrongfully exploiting such individuals as her is completely unethical. I would personally aid such individuals by highlighting, and praising them for their positive qualities, in an attempt to rid them of their pessimistic attitude. I would allow them a chance to voice their view when making decisions by asking them the course they would choose, or whether a particular strategy would be effective, or if they could suggest an alternative. I would create a friendly, receptive atmosphere for the passive personality to feel at ease and express their views freely.

An uncle of mine is aggressive in nature. He dominates any conversation he is a part of, not allowing anyone else to interrupt. He speaks loudly, rendering all other participants of the conversation quiet. On the other hand, if anybody else is speaking, he interrupts their speech often, giving his own view on the matter. Quite frequently, I have observed others conceding before him, as he just will not accept others' views. In his opinion, he is always right. He disparages others and asserts his own superiority. Many a times, I have witnessed him being sarcastic about others' statements, letting them down. Furthermore, he is quick to lay the blame on others for his own mistakes, but never acknowledges that he is wrong. He is boastful, and cares not for whether others like or dislike his boasting. In general, he has a biting sense of humor, disliked by others. I personally do not feel comfortable speaking with him, and usually avoid conversations with him. It is imperative to remain calm with such aggressive personalities when they begin acting out. Matters may worsen if one reacts to them. Such individuals need to realize that they are on the wrong and at times, being silent works. It makes them understand their wrong behavior. The ideal way of dealing with those who are passive-aggressive is confronting them and setting some limits. They need to understand that their conduct or a bitingly humorous statement they just made was offensive rather than funny. I would do one of three things when dealing with them: ignoring, remaining silent, or letting them know of their wrongful behavior.

A close friend of mine is rather assertive. Usually, she openly expresses what she feels, thinks, and believes to others, while being careful not to violate their rights. Her tone of communication is normal when declining something, so as not to hurt the feelings of others in the conversation/discussion. Nobody can exploit her to their advantage, as she openly conveys her opinion. Often, she offers constructive criticism while taking care not to blame others. Many thus respect her views, and she is held in high regard. She possesses sound human relations skills. However, her assertive nature is, mistaken for rudeness at times; those who understand her, however, end up being on very good terms with her, always. While seeking solutions to any issue, she welcomes others' opinions. She likes having many alternatives to choose from, out of which she selects the option that seems the best, given the situation. Furthermore, she seeks fruitful, healthy conversations with others. In my personal opinion, my human relations skills are also decent. I feel others are comfortable with discussing their problems, or any general topic, with me. Frequently, others who wish approach me for my opinion on certain matters; I also find that my views are valued. One aspect on which I must strive to become better is assertiveness. I ought to let others know when I feel...


However, I feel uncomfortable about communicating to others that I am unable to help, for now, as I am just not in the mood for it, because it may hurt their feelings. I ensure that I can provide assistance to others, to the best of my ability, when they need it most. I find that my efforts are appreciated.
Part B

Today's youth are labeled as belonging to the so-called "me" generation, a label I completely agree with. The youth of today are more selfish, self-absorbed, and self-centered, whereas the previous generations were taught to look out for one another. In those days, being a friend and neighbor constituted a privilege and an honor. People in those times struggled for everything in life, but today, children and youth have easy access to whatever they desire; they need to put in little, if any effort to get what they want. Earlier, people's concerns were issues that impacted all of mankind, but modern-day youth are plagued with more personal concerns like loneliness, unemployment and poor self-esteem. Their parents fulfill all their demands and requirement; thus, they effortlessly acquire what they ask for. Today's children reside in a technological age, where a lot of their time is spent on gadgets like cell phones, PCs and iPads, with hardly any time for bonding with the family. To aggravate matters, parents do not even appear to care. A majority of them are more concerned about their jobs, with both spouses being at work all day and spending hardly any time with the family. This modern lifestyle has left children deprived of essential moral values, which parents must instill in them. Parents, are thus in many ways, accountable for not being there for their kids when they are needed most. Older generations respected their parents, and held their opinions in high regard. Now, however, one gets to hear shocking things, like a child attacking his mom for confiscating his phone. Evidently, children value their gadgets more than their parents' lives! Parents are responsible for bringing out such menacing traits as self-centeredness in their children, and failing to teach them to distinguish right from wrong. In many instances, one needs to learn to give others priority over ourselves. One can do this by having one's child donate his/her savings to a poor person or charitable organization and forego purchasing a costly dress/toy they desired. This will make them understand that one must do good to others, too, and not just to oneself. This will help them see that it is our duty to give a portion of what the Lord has granted us, to less-privileged people.

For teams, the principles of collaboration and unity are a necessity. Every team member should work in harmony with others for getting the best results. If any team member wishes to dominate by having only his/her views heard and followed, the team's performance will be adversely affected. It is wrong to force others to accept one's views. Input must be sought from every member of the team and the best, consensual solution must be implemented. Team members should take care not to belittle and offend one another. The team leader's role can be understood via the concept of "me" generation. The team must obey the leader's commands; even in the event that they are against the leader's decision, they have to abide by it.

I believe parents are responsible for shaping the selfish attitude of today's youth. Parents, today, are either overly strict or overly lenient, and these two extreme attitudes resulted in the aforementioned consequences. Improper control over children makes them believe they can get away with anything, and that their behavior and attitudes are correct. Children's self-absorption is a result of parents failing to devote sufficient time to them. Consequently, modern-day kids speak in raised voices to their elders and disrespect them. Their foremost priority is themselves. Meanwhile, being too strict with kids makes them rebellious. Nobody likes being incessantly dictated with regard to what they should do (or refrain from doing). Open, friendly communication is pivotal to forge a healthy parent-child bond. Kids must be shown others' rights and moral values, with love.

Part C

Most people are glad to hear compliments; the rest are uncomfortable with it, or may even detest it. It is not easy to give honest remarks, and some individuals are just not capable of doing it. This could be because of envy or jealousy. A person may believe another to be unworthy of a…

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