Magnetism Our Understanding Being Science Essay


On Earth gravity is the force that sticks you to the floor and not magnesium We'd notice Earth's magnetism much extra if its gravity weren't so very strong. History

Magnesium has a good number of reasons that makes it interesting talking of for instance the invention of electricity and many more. A number of doctors during the time of Queen Elizabeth I of England that is late 16th century were interested in magnetism. They contemplated that magnets might have healing powers for the human body this led to William Gilbert invention of a lightweight tool called a versorium that looked like a compass but didn't use a magnetized needle. The pointer was reasonable and would spin in reaction to manetic attraction even if there wasn't enough force to lift a light object. these days we use a modern version of the versorium so called the electroscope to study atomic particles.

In the early 1700s, several Englishmen published mechanism that described exciting experiments with electricity. Francis Hauksbee aloof air from a glass globe and made the globe rotate while rasping it with a wool cloth. The globe gave off such a bright light that Hauksbee could read large letters in a dark room and as it got hotter, it fascinated light objects from a larger distance. In another experimenter, Stephen Gray, discovered conductivity. Gray found that an electric could transmit electricity through another body. He found that even water could be electrified.many experiments based on Gray's work were performed by Charles Du Fay, in Paris, which made him came to the conclusion that everything...


The only thing he didn't include, strangely enough, was lightning!
In Italy, in the late 1700s, two professors made some exciting discoveries. Luigi Galvani discovered that a dead frog's muscles twitched when it was positioned near an electrical machine. He conducted experiments to try to explain why a dead frog appeared to jump. He thought the frog's nerves contained the electricity. Alessandro Volta was fascinated in Galvani's experiments but thought the electricity emerged from the metals, such as the steel knife or the metal table. Volta is best known for inventing the voltaic pile, now called an electric cell or battery, Later he had made a stack of disks of zinc, acid- or salt-soaked paper, and copper. This was the foremost way to store and control the discharge of dynamic electricity. Volta did not know why his electric cell worked. The volt is named after Volta.


Electromagnets demonstrate that you can make magnetism using electricity. As European scientists discovered in the 19th century, electricity always makes magnetism when it moves about or changes. Every moment an electric current flows back and forth in a wire, it generates a magnetic field all around it. Changing electricity, in short, produces magnetis and the reverse is true


Lee, E.W.: Magnetism, An Introductory Survey, Dover Publications Inc. (1970)

CullityB.D, Graham .C, D. Introduction to Magnetic Materials (2 ed.2008). Wiley-IEEE. p. 103.

ISBN 0471477419

Sources Used in Documents:


Lee, E.W.: Magnetism, An Introductory Survey, Dover Publications Inc. (1970)

CullityB.D, Graham .C, D. Introduction to Magnetic Materials (2 ed.2008). Wiley-IEEE. p. 103.

ISBN 0471477419

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