Managing In An Inclusive Environment Term Paper

This implies hiring disadvantaged applicants regardless of their professional competency. For instance, last year, UK's Gloucestershire Police and Avon and Somerset police confessed to have rejected white men for hiring women and ethnic minorities in order to meet Government requirements ( is an extremely negative phenomenon as it succeeds in increasing the gap among different groups. Therefore, when encouraging such a strategy, authorities should pinpoint the rationale behind it and should organize conferences and workshops debating this issue. Bibliography

Piturro, Marlene. 2007. Recruiting and Managing a Diverse Workforce. (Accessed March 8, 2007).

Price Eboni, Gozu Aysegul, Kern David, Powe Neil, Wand Gary, Golden Sherita, and Cooper Lisa. 2005. The Role of Cultural Diversity Climate in Recruitment, Promotion, and Retention of Faculty in...

... (Accessed March 8, 2007).
Businesses doubt the benefits of an ethnically diverse workforce. 2007. (Accessed March 8, 2007).

Cendant embraces diversity as a corporate way of life: Company aims to achieve a workforce that reflects its customers and markets. 2003. Human Resource Management International Digest 11: 12-15.

Chapter 12: Managing diversity in the Workplace. 2006. (Accessed March 8, 2007).

Dolan, Julie. 2004. Gender Equity: Illusion or Reality for Women in the Federal Executive Service? Public Administration Review 64, 299-310.

Sadri, Golnaz, Tran, Hoa. 2002. Managing your diverse workforce through improved communication.The Journal of Management Development 21: 227-238.

Sudhoff Newsome, Mollie. 2004. American Bankers Association. ABA Banking Journal 96: 59-62.

Sources Used in Documents:


Piturro, Marlene. 2007. Recruiting and Managing a Diverse Workforce. (Accessed March 8, 2007).

Price Eboni, Gozu Aysegul, Kern David, Powe Neil, Wand Gary, Golden Sherita, and Cooper Lisa. 2005. The Role of Cultural Diversity Climate in Recruitment, Promotion, and Retention of Faculty in Academic Medicine. (Accessed March 8, 2007).

Businesses doubt the benefits of an ethnically diverse workforce. 2007. (Accessed March 8, 2007).

Cendant embraces diversity as a corporate way of life: Company aims to achieve a workforce that reflects its customers and markets. 2003. Human Resource Management International Digest 11: 12-15.
Chapter 12: Managing diversity in the Workplace. 2006. (Accessed March 8, 2007).

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