MBTI Outcomes The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI  Essay

MBTI Outcomes The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality inventory instrument was first created by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katharine Briggs. The main aim was to make sense of the apparently random and myriad of personality traits found in human beings. Based on the theory of psychological types identified by C.G. Jung, the Indicator attempts to prove that there is quite a large amount of order and consistency within the personality types that can be identified (Myers & Briggs Foundation, 2012). The MBTI offers a range of 16 personality types, each with its own regulating factors. When a person is aware of his or her specific personality type, this understanding can be usefully applied to all one's interactions with others. The most important interactions occur in the workplace and in one's personal relationships with friends and family members. A person for whom the personality type was identified as "ISFJ," for example, has specific strengths and weaknesses that can be managed to improve these relationships.

The letters ISFJ refer to "Introverted," "Sensing," "Feeling," and "Judgment." There are many strengths to this personality type, both at work and at home. An ISFJ person, for example, is quiet, but also friendly, responsible, and conscientious. They are extremely reliable and committed to meeting their obligations. They are also extremely thorough, painstaking, and accurate. In the workplace, this means that they do well in tasks that require analysis, a large amount of focus, or a great degree of accuracy. Because they are quiet, they may do less well...


Markley (2012), however, confirms that ISFJ people have trouble delegating, because of an overdeveloped sense of responsibility. Delegation is a primary leadership requirement, so an ISFJ person in a leadership position will need to work on such a trait.
In general, improving workplace relationships will require the ISFJ person to consider the relative weaknesses related to this personality type. Of course some weaknesses will be experienced to a greater or lesser degree, and each person will need to honestly and critically assess his or her own degree of shortcoming in each category.

Some weaknesses that ISFJ people can work on to improve their workplace relationships include a tendency to feel unappreciated by their colleagues (Markley). One of the main reasons for this is the sense of introversion. They are willing to work long hours and commit to a job until it is completed, but they are quite unwilling to accept any accolades for this. There is an inherent sense that they somehow do not deserve these for work that they regard as their normal day-to-day duty. This often causes others to take them for granted and in turn, the person can feel overworked and resentful. To improve this, awareness is the first step. The second step is understanding that this kind of work ethic is indeed unusual and deserves praise. Furthermore, it is vital that the ISFJ person recognizes the need for rest. For this, it is important to cultivate an understanding that needing to rest does not mean a lack of commitment to…

Sources Used in Documents:


BSM Consulting (2012). ISFJ Relationships. Retrieved from: https://www.personalitypage.com/html/ISFJ_rel.html

Markley, D. (2012). ISFJ: "The Protector." Retrieved from: http://www.davidmarkley.com/personality/isfj.htm

The Myers & Briggs Foundation (2012). MBTI Basics. Retrieved from: http://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/

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