Memento And Identity To A Essay

When we mimic the social behavior of people 'like ourselves' when we are unsure of how to behave we are observing another implied guide for how to behave. Our perceived appearance thus also defines who we are -- whether we are male or female, for example, creates a different set of social roles and expectations. It also creates an impression of continuity of our actions for the people whom observe us. This sense of physically observed continuity outside of individual memory is why society judges us for our actions when we are drunk. This assumption...


However, if entering an 'altered' state is not willed, unlike drunkenness, people are sometimes deemed not responsible, even if they 'are' the same individual, as in the case of mental illness or sleepwalking. The individual's remembered 'past' by society that bears evidence that the crime was not his or her conscious choice clears him or her of moral culpability as a 'character.'

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