Mental Health Counseling And Research: Research Proposal

This literature is particularly important because of the large number of children affected by substance abuse of various kinds and the social policy directed toward substance abuse offenders including parents. Although the empirical research base is growing on the relationship of parental disability to child outcome effects (Emerick & Zirpoli, 2000) there continues to be a need for research that methodologically addresses specific critical parental disability factors.

Implementing Culturally Sensitive Crisis

In conclusion, when faced with an individual who is recognizably from a culture different from the crisis worker, some modification in approach will be considered. However, there is sufficient cultural diversity present in our population for me to view every child and family through a cultural lens (Moon, et al., 1997). It is reasonable to assume at the onset of my research encounter that the individual will come from a unique culture or subculture, even if it is the "culture" of the family of origin. Some assessment has to be made to establish how to work best with the client.

Examine Fit of Individual and Cultural Norms

A first step will be to learn the extent to which the client has become acculturated to the dominant culture. Informants can assist in this and careful interviewing can also detect an individual's worldview.

Consider What Culturally Relevant External Resources Are Available to the Person in Crisis

The second step is to examine resources and strengths. Prime resources in many cultures are the clergy, but others who can help are an influential neighborhood leader or politician. In non-Western (and Western) cultures the family is an important system of support during times of crisis and they must be mobilized, recognizing that definitions of "family" differ considerably.

Determine the Client's Capacity to Use the Resources

Not all individuals in crisis will be able to use either conventional resources or culturally provided resources. Attitudes toward seeing help and sources of help will be examined and taken into account (Moon, et al., 1997).

III. Participants Sample

Six participants will be chosen on the criteria of purposive sample in order to get together data from a diminutive, convenient sample of participants. In normative theory research, study participants notify the researchers about a fixed social phenomenon inside a given circumstance and with better depth (Colangelo & Assouline, 1993), and this kind of sampling is suitable for this approach (Dworkin & Hirsch, 2004). Emerick & Zirpoli, (2000) talked about how the logic and control of purposive sampling for qualitative research is in choosing information-rich cases. Particularly, focused sampling is the procedure of selecting 6-10 participants who will capitulate cases from which I can learn a lot about issues essential to the purpose of my study (Farrell, 2005). Among the criterion used in choosing clinical supervisors to take part in this research will be having (a) a curiosity in this subject, (b) three to five years of management experience, (c) a permit as a specialized counselor, (d) at least one skill with supervising apprentices who have counseled a customer with BPD personality, and (e) a readiness to meet for three interviews that could last 40-55 minutes each.

Ahead of the investigation we will be forced to make quite a few ethical suppositions, including the need of beneficence, high opinion, and fairness (Colangelo, 2007). Foremost, the Human Subjects Committee (Institutional Review Board) settled on approving (Colangelo & Assouline, 1993). Subsequently, for the intention of field notes, records, and investigative memos, participants will be assigned made up names to protect their identity and preserve confidentiality and ambiguity. The informed consent procedure states that contribution must be unpaid and subjects should have the right to opt out at any time (Glickauf-Hughes, 2004). All our study subjects will have to grant me permission for utilizing their information and knowledge in this and upcoming studies.

Subjects shall be enlisted from counseling and teaching centers, institutions of higher education, and nonprofit therapy agencies (Wadsworth, et al., 2000). An invitation to participate will be sent through the state Licensed Professional Counselor Board listing of accepted supervisors. There will ideally be five volunteers, four female and one male. Four participants shall be White and one will be Asian. Four will ideally have earned a Ph. D., and one will be an M. Ed. Subjects might also list several years as a certified professional, and that would be very good (2-13), time of supervising (3-9) years, and age ranges of (28-55).

This study will teach us the complexity of trying to...


The extent of the technological procedures which will be required to conduct the described research also points out why subjects who are given informed consent based on detailed protocols may decide to forgo participation. This may be a growing problem, as the biologically-based research of today calls for the use of technologies which may involve considerable time commitments and can include invasive procedures such as the injection of dyes with their potential risks.
IV. Proposed Method of Data Analysis

Subjects might quite possibly be caught up in deliberations about subjects and outlines that might materialize during each succession of interviews, thus permitting them to corroborate the answers of this research. Subjects and outlines improved and lessened the information from every round. Data will be evaluated by case and transversely during each session of interviews. Outlines and developing themes will be required both to more suitably appreciate supervisors' insight and to conceptualize a replica of the supervision procedure.

To confirm the genuineness of data and their understanding, in addition to group researcher prejudices, more than a few verification procedures will be employed. We shall make sure to keep a diary of academic notes, subject inspection comments (Stanger, et al. 2006), and investigative indications made for the duration of the interviews. The periodical will also note down issues of researcher reflexivity throughout the dialogue with subjects and to aid group any prejudices or postulations that cropped up. Precise attention will be set to how prejudice may have exaggerated the data compilation procedure (Selekman, 1997). Quite a few techniques will be engaged right through the process to guard against researcher prejudices, amongst them gapping the interviews, colleague discussion, "heavy" data, and discussion with specialists in counselor teaching.

The research shall use a cipher procedure. As Visser, et al. (2009) state, the procedure of study and cipher is "forceful and fluid" (p. I01). Data collected from the all the interviews and the researcher's diary will be implied by means of open, axial, and discriminating policy (Wagner, et al. 2003) and then obtainable in theoretically ordered exhibits. The motive for using so many levels of ciphers is "to enlarge, alter, and re-conceptualize information, opening up more varied logical possibilities" (Zoccolillo, et al. 2002). Initially we will commence content analysis (Wolcott, 2001) by making the most of open coding, the procedure of conveying tags or make to "portions" of information that might or may possibly not be linked to the research. We are capable enough to allocate data to groups of universal themes and outlines with the purpose of essential subjects and prototypes more purposely (Robinson & Curry, 2007).

Subsequently, information will be axial-coded, which will intend stating the categories that encircle specific ideas and producing properties to classify the notions (Colangelo, 2007). Strauss and Corbin (1998) describe axial coding as "the procedure of relating classes to their subcategories ... At the stage of properties and scopes" (p. 123). It will be utilized here to recognize exact themes and outlines as they might continue to appear and allocate meanings to classes and subclasses. The subsequent step will be discerning coding, with the intention of further specifying subjects, patterns, and notions and employ data to explain theoretical builds. The information that will be acquired through preceding data analysis shall be incorporated to recognize the scope, relationships, directionality, and notions of the subjects and patterns rising from the study (Visser, et al., 2009).

An array of data that will be collected from the coding procedure into comprehensible themes and outlines is a theoretically ordered exhibit. This will "best represent all the scopes I am involved in and arrange all the relevant data in eagerly analyzable outlines" (Millon, 1999). The subjects and outlines will become clearer, which might permit us to contrast the data. In contrasting data, we will most probably go with cases that have recurring themes. This method will make possible blueprinting of a conceptual structure of clinical direction when patrons exhibit BPD individuality.

V. Anticipated/Expected Finding

Whether and how results of research studies reach the public is an important issue. If the media focuses on a new technology or procedure, that may cause demand for the technology or procedure to…

Sources Used in Documents:


Colangelo, N. (2007). Counseling gifted students: Issues and practices. In N. Colangelo and G.A. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of Gifted Education (2nd ed.), (pp. 353-381). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Colangelo, N., & Assouline, a. (1993). Families of gifted children. A research agenda. Quest, 4, 1-4.

Dworkin, M., & Hirsch, G. (2004). Responding to managed care: A roadmap for the therapist. Psychotherapy in Private Practice, 13, 1-21.

Emerick, L., & Zirpoli, T. (2000). Different concerns, different needs? Perceptions of gifted children and parents of children with disabilities. Paper presented at the conference of the American Association of Gifted and Talented, Little Rock, AR.
Millon, T. (1999). Personality guided therapy. New York: John Wiley & Sons. National Institute of Mental Health. (2007). Borderline personality disorder. National Institute of Health Publication number #01-4928. Retrieved March 29th 2011, from / borderline-personality-disorder.shtml

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