Mind: A Theory Of Mind Is Basically Essay

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¶ … Mind: A theory of mind is basically described as the particular cognitive ability to understand other people as deliberate agents, which imply that it's the ability to interpret people's minds based on theoretical concepts of planned states like desires and beliefs. In philosophy, there is a common notion that the special cognitive ability in intrinsically dependent on individuals linguistic capabilities. The interpretation of the actions and intentions of other people includes a combined credit of complete mental states that enable the understanding of the social world to become logical and intelligible. There are various major theories of mind that focus on explaining the human mind including the identity theory, functionalism, and eliminative materialism.

The identity theory of mind states that the conditions and processes of the human mind are similar to the conditions and processes of the brain (Smart par, 1). Under this theory, identifying mind and brain can be regarded as an issue of identifying the conditions and processes of both the mind and the brain. As the second major theory of mind, the functionalism theory is the most popular and well-recognized theory in which mental states like beliefs, hopes, fears, and pains are eventually characterized by the functions they perform. This theory is considered as a materialistic theory because it moves beyond the identity theory and behaviorism. The eliminative materialism theory is the most radical theory of the mind that states that the normal, common-sense of the mind is essentially wrong and refutes all the mental states posited...


This is the major similarity in the theories since the identity theory is regarded as reductive materialism while functionalism is described as materialistic theory and eliminative materialism is also a materialistic theory as suggested by its name. In this case, materialism states all things consist of material as all phenomena are products of material interactions. One of the fundamental principles of materialism that is used as the basis for the three main theories of mind is that matter or energy is the only thing that exists.
Historical Successes:

The second major similarity is the historical successes that theorists of each of the theories have pointed out. The identity theorists can point to the historical cases of inter-theoretic reduction that have been successful. On the other hand, functionalism theorists can point to the success in the elimination of identity theory through the introduction of a perspective that exceeds the previous two theories. Similarly, eliminative materialists single out the successful cases of absolute elimination of the ontology of an elderly theory in favor of a new superior and…

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Works Cited:

Carnie, Euan F. "Approaches to Action." UCB Library. The University of British Columbia, Jan. 1993. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. .

Churchland, Paul. "Eliminative Materialism." UC San Diego Department of Philosophy. University of California. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. .

"Functionalism." Philosophy of Mind. Philosophy Online. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. .

"Intro Mind Notes, Weeks 5-6: Consciousness and Materialism." College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. The University of Houston. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. <http://www.class.uh.edu/phil/garson/IMNotes5.htm>.
Ramsey, William. "Eliminative Materialism." (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Stanford University, 9 Oct. 2007. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. <http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/materialism-eliminative/>.
Smart, John J. "The Mind/Brain Identity Theory." (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Stanford University, 18 May 2007. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. <http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/mind-identity/>.

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