Theory Essays (Examples)

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Theory Critique of Jean Watson
Introduction and Historical Context

Jean Watson developed the theory of transpersonal caring or the theory of human caring in the year 1979. The theory points at the humanistic characteristics of nursing in relation to the scientific knowledge in the world. Watson developed this theory with the aim of communicating meaning, and making nursing a unique health profession. We consider caring as the core responsibility to nursing; therefore, we must be ready to preserve human caring within activities; within our administrative stations, within the clinic, at our educational facilities and during research work. The theory has evolved over time, but the concepts remain the same (Earle, 2010). Various changes in the health care strategies and systems have intensified the need of nursing responsibilities. Nurses have to look after patients with care and concerning their healthcare situation. Jean Watson's theory tries to explain how nurses cope with the ever-increasing….

I would agree with this statement, since theory and practice, when applied to each other appropriately, inform each other and cannot in fact be separated into two distinct entities. It is vitally important to use theory for informing practice, while practice would further inform theory, making the statement that a good theory is, in fact, practically true.


Benedict Spinoza, a post-Cartesian philosopher in the 17th century, held ideas of which many are still applicable to research and knowledge today (Dutton, 2005). One of these is his assertion about facts and theory. Specifically, the philosopher said: "if the facts conflict with the theory, either the theory must be changed or the facts." In practice this means that the concept of "facts" are not necessarily as static as the word suggests. Facts can change if the theory that conflicts with them is stronger than facts that have been proven by previous theory. New….

Theory X and Theory Y
Select organizational leaders analysis activity current research. Critique leader Douglas MacGregor's Theory X Theory Y Identify proper category leader assessment. Include examples situations actions reflect type leader .

Theory X versus Theory Y: Apple vs. Google

According to Douglas McGregor' analysis of managerial personality styles, managers fall into two basic 'types,' that of Theory X or Theory Y Theory X managers tend to exert authority through a traditional authoritarian approach. The Theory X assumption is that people are basically lazy and desire to avoid work, rather than seek it out for self-enrichment. In contrast, Theory Y managers take a positive view of human nature and view human beings as basically desirous of self-improvement. Theory X suggests that human beings can be internally as well as externally motivated.

Despite the fact that both companies have been highly praised for the positive changes they have wrought, regarding consumer's relationship with technology,….

Theory Development
Nature and Use of Theory in Academic esearch

Corley and Gioia (2001) call theory the, "currency of our scholarly realm" (p. 12). The authors further explain that theoretical contribution is a requirement for a manuscript to be considered for publication. It appears that all scholarly writing hinges on the theoretical worthiness of the material. Corley and Gioia defined theory as a statement of concepts and their interrelationships that together, demonstrate how or why something occurs (p. 12). This analysis establishes theory as a necessity of empirical research. However, as these authors point out, it is not enough simply to have a theory. The idea or concept must be original and have utility, alluding to the idea that it must serve some function. Originality and utility are necessary elements for the historical progression of theory in a field of study.

Originality and Utility

The advancement of knowledge in a certain field of study….

Feminist theory can get very political and insistent, but that can and should be tempered by a realistic understanding of what can be accomplished when people all agree to work together in order to see a positive change in the way people are treated.
When people become focused on the race or gender of a person, or they become too focused on the words used without clarifying the intent of those words, communication can break down and (incorrect) value judgments can quickly be made. There are ways to avoid that, of course, but some people are not aware of how to avoid those kinds of things and other people are simply not interested in avoiding them. People who do not want to avoid those kinds of problems with communication and judgment or do not see that there is even a problem sometimes have trouble separating their opinions, thoughts, and feelings….

Free Market Fairness for the Free New World

When choosing between theories of distributive justice, awls' "Justice as Fairness" and Tomasi's "Free Market Fairness," Tomasi's theory best expresses the democratic ideal of society as a system of social cooperation between free and equal persons. In the 21st century global economic landscape, a very popular and profitable trend is "going green." Going green includes making improvements to operations of organizations that promote conversation of various forms of energy, reusing and/or recycling materials and products, as well as reducing the carbon footprint of the organization in general. Green technology and the trend of going green are worldwide phenomena that prove itself extremely financially rewarding for those who implement those strategies effectively. With regard to competitors, peers, and consumers, going green increases loyalty and augments reputation. Going green is an example of free market fairness. Green companies absolutely are in business to generate capital….

Theory & Context: Institutional Choice and Public Administration
This brief study examines the writing of individuals such as Meier and Krause (nd), Meier (nd), Moe (2011) and others for the purpose of constructing knowledge of the theoretical framework and context of institutional choice and public administration. The normative theory is examined and how that theoretical bases can be viewed to run throughout the fabric of the various theories and models used to explain institutional choice and public administration.

ureaucratic Performance

Meier and Krause (nd) report that the literature on how bureaucratic performance is subjected to the control of political institutions through "ex post and ex-ante methods" is such that has been fully developed and as well there have been a great many studies conducted that examined how tools of budgeting, appointing, and oversight serve to affect the performance of bureaucrats. It is stated that bureaucratic performance in term of the choice of procedure….

Theory X & Theory Y
Douglas McGregor's Theory X Theory Y are a set of dichotomous views about human nature that guide management. Theory X holds that humans generally dislike work, are irresponsible and require close supervision to do their jobs; Theory Y holds that humans are generally industrious, creative and able to assume responsibility (eNotes, 2006). These theories are said to guide management styles, because they imply that the role of the manager is going to be significantly different depending on which theory the manager subscribes to. Managers therefore need to approach team-building with a vision of the types of role definitions, control mechanisms and team construction that will fulfill the theory the manager believes in (Mind Tools, 2012).

The questionnaire from Business Balls (Chapman, 2002) had my former company score a 47. This score correlates with a "generally Y-theory management." Although the job was actually fairly regimented, and with little….

Theory at Work the Group

It should also make sure that the managerial members have a consistent and constructive association with the team member to ensure success of the firm. They should also make sure that the team formed has an appropriate level of conformity in terms of the attitudes, principles and work ethics. The company should also make sure that there are no ego clashes within a team and that it stays united for the company's bets interests and goals. It should also focus on having informal and honest communicational interactions amongst the employees as well as be able to bring together a large team instead of a small one. Lastly, they should also focus on making sure that the team members have can tackle common problems through the creation of familiar bonds (Adair and Thomas, 2004).

Having read the aforementioned facts, I feel that before a company chooses to adopt this group theory….

" (Teasdale, 1995, pg. 25) These elements are important, because they are showing how this form of treatment can be effective in dealing with patients that are recovering. The problem is, making sure that there is: consistent follow up and dealing with some of the changing the thoughts they will experience over the long-term. (Teasdale, 1995, pp. 25 -- 39) As a result, this approach is effective at dealing with substance abuse. The key to ensuring any kind of long-term success is to make certain that there consistent discussions with the therapist. If this can occur, it will help to ensure that the addict is able to make a full recovery.
The biggest strength of emotional behavior therapy is that it is dealing with: the pent up emotions and feelings that many individuals will have associated with their addiction. This is because it is helping them to: understand what they mean….

The theory is also highly generalizable, as it can be applied to truly any body of knowledge yet is especially suited for nursing knowledge, which occurs along common lines throughout the profession (Chinn & Kramer, 2008; Fawcett et al., 2001). At the same time, the theory is quite abstract, and implementation can be difficult without a great deal of self-awareness, self-confidence, and a thorough understanding of the non-concrete and theoretical underpinnings of nursing knowledge as it is constructed by these researchers (Chinn & Kramer, 2008; Fawcett et al., 2001).
In order to implement this theory in nursing practice, the nurse practitioner must first take time to reflect on past and current learning experiences, which should of course be ongoing throughout the nurse's life (Chinn & Kramer, 2008). Through this reflection, the patterns of knowing and certain of the more detailed elements discussed by the researchers should become apparent to the….

Theory X and Theory Y
When working with people, regardless of the organization, one must be cognizant of the way individuals are motivated. Motivation, in fact, is one of the basic driving forces that allow individuals to work, change, and even actualize their internal and external goals. Much of the background on motivation is based on the work of Maslow, not only surrounding human needs, but the manner in which those needs are individualized and met within the particular cultural context of the contemporary world. In this, for most developed countries, the context is the workplace. Individuals spend more time at work and often feel that the workplace is really their culture -- regardless of their own uniqueness. Within this culture, the idea of incentive theory supposed that a tangible or intangible reward has the potential for allowing the individual to be motivated, and thus for the organization to receive a….

Identify some possible questions for research study, the answers to which would serve to generate theory.

The field of nursing is constantly evolving. This is because they are playing an important part in helping stakeholders to reach key objectives and enhance the quality of care patients are receiving. After conducting different forms of research, it is clear that these individuals will continue to be a major component in all healthcare teams and organizations. However, many of the various theories are not taking into account those skill sets. That is necessary for these professionals to succeed in the future. Some of the different areas include: their role in controlling costs, improving communication, reaching out to patients and serving as a liaison between colleagues / administrators. (Sitzman, 2010) (Butts, 2011)

As a result, there are several different questions which need to be examined to improve a nurse's ability to achieve numerous goals. A few….

Theory Letter to a Young

The one question I have about my behavior was the fact that, as her advocate, I called and spoke to the patient's father with her permission. I stressed the fact that she was dying and if he wanted to see his daughter alive, he should come shortly. In retrospect, I wonder if I pressured her too much to make the call. Ultimately, it was all for naught, as she died before he was able to see her alive. But I wonder if I was overly interventionist and impositional of my beliefs in the need for her to make that final connection with her father. I feel good that I was able to facilitate what was important to the client, and allow her to take control of her end-of-life arrangements with dignity. I think that Parse would approve of my behavior, however, as I did validate my decision with the….

Theory Practice

Theory Practice
Professional socialization in Nursing

The professional socialization in nursing is the process that helps a person to adopt to the systems and norms of a profession. The process helps the individual learn those things that support the job but are not the written part of the job (Lai & Lim, 2012). In nursing too, not everything is learnt about patient care through books. There are environmental and cultural factors that are understood by socializing with other professionals in the system. For example, the response to the patients in emergency is learnt when the nurse actually interacts in the system and observes other nurses and physicians treating patients. Likewise, the punctuality and robustness is learnt by mingling with the peers.

In the health care clinic under consideration, the socialization occurs formally and informally. The peers and professionals socialize in wards, cafeteria and offices. They discuss their medical and health care opinions and….

The practice of nursing is strongly guided by ethical theories and principles, because nurses are charged with the duty of taking proper care of patients and ensuring that they do no harm to them. The principles, values, and morals they must adhere to are based on what is needed for them to provide the maximum benefit and level of care to the largest number of patients on a daily basis. The values and morals they hold may differ from those of the patients they care for, and they must be careful to avoid putting down on or otherwise dismissing what....

3 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Theory Critique of Jean Watson

Words: 1117
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Theory Critique of Jean Watson Introduction and Historical Context Jean Watson developed the theory of transpersonal caring or the theory of human caring in the year 1979. The theory points at…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Theory Building There Are Many

Words: 1031
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

I would agree with this statement, since theory and practice, when applied to each other appropriately, inform each other and cannot in fact be separated into two distinct entities.…

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5 Pages


Theory X And Theory Y Select Organizational

Words: 1763
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Theory X and Theory Y Select organizational leaders analysis activity current research. Critique leader Douglas MacGregor's Theory X Theory Y Identify proper category leader assessment. Include examples situations actions reflect…

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8 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Theory Development Nature and Use of Theory

Words: 2528
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Theory Development Nature and Use of Theory in Academic esearch Corley and Gioia (2001) call theory the, "currency of our scholarly realm" (p. 12). The authors further explain that theoretical contribution…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Family and Marriage

Theory Borrowing in Communication and

Words: 1838
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Feminist theory can get very political and insistent, but that can and should be tempered by a realistic understanding of what can be accomplished when people all agree…

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6 Pages


Theory Free Market Fairness for the Free

Words: 2230
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Theory Free Market Fairness for the Free New World When choosing between theories of distributive justice, awls' "Justice as Fairness" and Tomasi's "Free Market Fairness," Tomasi's theory best expresses the democratic…

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6 Pages


Theory and Context Institutional Choice and Public Administration

Words: 1589
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Theory & Context: Institutional Choice and Public Administration This brief study examines the writing of individuals such as Meier and Krause (nd), Meier (nd), Moe (2011) and others for the…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Theory X & Theory Y Douglas Mcgregor's

Words: 616
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Theory X & Theory Y Douglas McGregor's Theory X Theory Y are a set of dichotomous views about human nature that guide management. Theory X holds that humans generally dislike…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Theory at Work the Group

Words: 1865
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It should also make sure that the managerial members have a consistent and constructive association with the team member to ensure success of the firm. They should also…

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8 Pages
Research Paper


Theory Application Substance Abuse Over

Words: 2668
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

" (Teasdale, 1995, pg. 25) These elements are important, because they are showing how this form of treatment can be effective in dealing with patients that are recovering. The…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Theory Practice Nursing Theory Into

Words: 568
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The theory is also highly generalizable, as it can be applied to truly any body of knowledge yet is especially suited for nursing knowledge, which occurs along common…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Theory X Versus Theory Y Assumptions

Words: 1293
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Theory X and Theory Y When working with people, regardless of the organization, one must be cognizant of the way individuals are motivated. Motivation, in fact, is one of the…

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2 Pages
Reaction Paper

Health - Nursing

Theory Identify Some Possible Questions for Research

Words: 661
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

Theory Identify some possible questions for research study, the answers to which would serve to generate theory. The field of nursing is constantly evolving. This is because they are playing an…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal

Health - Nursing

Theory Letter to a Young

Words: 1935
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The one question I have about my behavior was the fact that, as her advocate, I called and spoke to the patient's father with her permission. I stressed…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Theory Practice

Words: 984
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Theory Practice Professional socialization in Nursing The professional socialization in nursing is the process that helps a person to adopt to the systems and norms of a profession. The process helps…

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