Muddy Boots Chapman, John. Muddy Book Review

However, Chapman also understands that the ultimate goal is to fulfill the soldier's creed and serve the country. The entire second section of the book is basically about how to develop professional integrity and competence. This is an important section, especially for younger officers who might not be mature enough to understand what it entails to make professional decisions. Chapman offers practical advice on how to act ethically in difficult situations.

A recurring theme in Muddy Boots Leadership is how "everything in life is a graded event," (p. 63). Chapman repeats this phrase throughout the book, applying it to different situations. Everything in life is a graded event for a military leader because it is their responsibility to maintain order. In other words, a good leader never stops being a leader. There is no situation in which a commanding officer is off the hook. A good leader is always trying to be the best he or she can be, and knows that every word and every deed is being "graded." The leader's actions also have an impact on the entire team. Chapman is not concerned with his career. The author remains only concerned with the ideals of serving in the military. Furthermore, Chapman points out that...


68). A good leader is not satisfied with good intentions but only with good results.
Other bits of practical advice that Chapman offers includes how to communicate effectively. For example, the author warns against emails that are sent in anger because they can be traced. It is also important to avoid forwarding jokes that some people might find offensive. Chapman offers a lot of other practical advice for readers. The author even shows how to deal with soldiers who drank too much or those with other personal problems that arise and how to avoid potential problems. Counseling takes up a whole section of Muddy Boots Leadership, which shows how the commanding officer does play the role of counselor every now and then.

Muddy Boots Leadership is a solid reference book for any military officer. Chapman describes almost any situation that can arise, from soldiers writing out their personal wills to how to live up to the soldier's creed in everyday life. The advice is backed up by common sense and personal experience. I would keep Muddy Boots Leadership on my military bookshelf and refer to it regularly. The book is easy to use and helpful in a number of different real-life situations.

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