Pfizer, A Worldwide Producer Of Case Study

As was mentioned, four meatpackers have a monopoly control over the market. If they don't want premium beef, it won't matter what the ranchers do. The program could yield many benefits for Pfizer, and the beef market as a whole, but perhaps the first communications on the program should be with the meatpackers. Recommended Solution

Cost pressures in the beef industry are threatening Pfizer's ability to sell premium medicinal products to the cattle market. Sales of these premium pharmaceuticals allow Pfizer to aggressively offer new and innovative products and to support the ranching industry through trade events and technical support. Pfizer needs to preserve its...


A quality beef brand, which would necessitate a standard of medical care for the cattle, would help Pfizer maintain its pricing and cash in on the superior quality of its products. As such, working with industry partners to develop this brand is the best course of action if Pfizer hopes to protect sales and pricing.
Works Cited

Cravens, David W. And Piercy, Nigel F. (2003). Strategic Marketing. McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston.

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Works Cited

Cravens, David W. And Piercy, Nigel F. (2003). Strategic Marketing. McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston.

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