Pointed To And Highlighted When Assessing And Essay


¶ … pointed to and highlighted when assessing and synthesizing results of this sample would include the rates of long-term vivid dreams and/or memories as experienced by the victims of bullying. Indeed, the long-term physical and psychological effects are palpable and tangible. That being said, it is indeed plausible for those that are bullied to possess traits and facets to their psyche that make them more prone to get bullied. Examples of these traits include lack of social skills, shyness and so forth. When one is bullied and victimized, it is entirely possible for these effects and outcomes to manifest and remain even after someone grows into their adult years. A topic that could and should be explored in the coming months and years should include the end results of the bullied in terms of their emotions using qualitative measurement tools and data. Looking only at the depth and breadth of an overall range is not enough and that was a shortcoming of this study. Further, the sampling of demographics like racial and ethnic groups was clearly out of phrase in this study. Nearly half of the sample (49%) consisted of Caucasians freshmen students. However, the sample had a large number of Asian students so the sample was clearly skewed. Indeed, all of the students were freshmen ranging in age from eighteen to twenty at a public university. As such, the findings of this study could not and should not be compared too heavily and assertively to other studies that have different leadership structures or study body composition. The backward-looking nature of the study also likely causes the phenomenon of the findings not being applicable to students that are still in lower levels of school below college. Also, there are going to be a number of students that have been bullied but are not willing to discuss it fully,...


First, the participants were not asked about other forms of trauma. As such, it was not possible to assess how prior experiences would have contributed to increase negative effects among the people in the sample. Further research and analysis should be done to figure out how bullying contributes to social and psychological problems that develop and persist later in life. Other research can be done to examine how bullying combines with other forms of trauma and thus influences and affects psychological and psychosocial functioning. To prevent issues related to improper recall of bullying events, there should be studies that are longitudinal in nature rather than only in a short time window so that the true effects over time as they manifest are measured and captured. It would also be wise to conduct studies on people who receive assistance and help regarding bullying and see how they fare over the same longer time horizons.
Counseling personnel and professionals in a college setting are vastly under-represented in the literature reviews out there as they relate to the long-lasting effects that can be rendered by bullying. Both this study as well as prior ones done by others have looked at student bodies and the people therein. However, additional research that focuses on bullying experiences and outcomes as related to counseling and similar interventions could and should be carried out. Indeed, many people that fall prey to bullying will not get the help they can receive while others will. There are surely differences between the two including the short-term and long-term mental health status of the victims…

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