Policy And Politics Essay

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Policy and Politics Policy and decision-making are complex issues. Even for what might appear to be a simple decision, there many underlying factors that influence the final outcome. Some of these factors are obvious, but some can be elusive and hidden from all of the parties. Policies are not instituted in a flash and the process of policymaking should not be taken lightly. This makes the process of policy making a slow one at best. The many facets of the issue must be discussed and debated for often long periods of time. Policymaking is wrought with many problems for which there is no obvious right or wrong answer. Deborah Stone addresses these paradoxes in The Art of Political Decision-making.

Stone's work stands apart from many authors that focus on the application of their model in only a few specific applications. One example is Reinhart and Reinhart (2011) who recently discussed the limits of monetary policy. Many of the issues addressed by these authors are an example of the model discussed by Stone. One can find...


Stone discusses distribution of the policy and the many different dimensions of the quality od distribution in Chapter Two. Stone points out in Chapter Three, that one person's efficiency is another person's waste. As she further points out, it is difficult to measure what constitutes an efficient policy because things are always changing. After reading Stone, policymaking becomes an even more complex issue than it appeared to be in the past. It makes the reader realize that there are no easy decisions.
The Wire is a television series that ran from 2002 to 2008. It focused on the struggles of policy makers in the town of Baltimore, Maryland as they attempted to solve the problems facing their city through policy adoption. The series was one of the most realistic portrayals of the complexity of policymaking and the hard issues that policy makers face.…

Sources Used in Documents:


Reinhart, C. & Reinhart, V. (2011). Limits of Monetary Policy in Theory and Practice. Cato Journal. 31 (3): 427-441.

Stone, D. (2001). Policy Paradox: The Art of Political Decision Making, W.W. Norton, third edition.

Thorson, K.(Producer) (2002-2008). The highlights of 100 [Television series episode]. HBO.

Retrieved from http://www.hbo.com/the-wire

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