Procrastination: A Student Perspective Procrastination Is A Essay

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¶ … Procrastination: a Student Perspective Procrastination is a fact of life, particularly that of a student's life. Procrastination is completely avoidable, yet it is also quite inevitable. Procrastination can stem from internal and external factors. There are some students are lazy. There are students who have poor time management skills; they do not prioritize elements of their schedules appropriately and prepare assignments at the last moment. There are students who do not care about schoolwork. These students are not invested in or connected to their studies; perhaps they are not knowledgeable in the ways education can be satisfying personally, professionally, and otherwise. It depends on the student. Every students procrastinates...


There are some students that have found that with some instructors, it does not matter if they complete the assignments on time. There are students and people in general, who are manipulative, and have a talent for getting others to grant them their wishes and/or having great powers of persuasion. Procrastinating students could be a part of this group.
An effect of procrastination can be stress. For students who care about their work, procrastination can stress them out. Procrastination can cause anxiety, insomnia, and physical side effects such as muscle aches or headaches. An effect of procrastination is…

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