Radon Uv Radiation Essay

Ultraviolet Radiation Health Effects of UV Radiation Exposure

Current studies show that the world's exposure to ultraviolet radiation has increased over the past few years. In addition, it has been realized that in the longer term, UV radiation induces degenerative changes in cells of the skin, fibrous tissue and blood vessels leading to premature skin aging, Photodermatosis and actinic Kerasotes (World Health Organization, 2012).

Over-exposure to ultraviolet radiation causes tanning of the skin. The radiations get absorbed causing an increase in the number of melanocytes; melanin making cells. Overexposure causes premature skin ageing and precancerous skin changes known as actinic Kerasotes. Besides this, skin cancer may develop in situations whereby the skin damage is severe.

In addition, ultraviolet radiation can cause painful temporary injuries to the eye called photo keratitis and conjunctivitis. Furthermore, exposure to solar UV can prematurely age the lens, causing cataracts, growth of pterygium, macular degeneration, and eyelid cancers.

According to Daynes (1990), basking in the sun for long durations has negative impacts on the immune system. UV radiation suppresses the body's resistance to bacterial agents and enhances risk of infections such as meningitis. UV radiation fosters...


Other sources of ultraviolet radiations include man-made UV lamps, bactericidal and mercury vapor lamps. In addition, instruments used in industrial processes, medical and dental practices for a variety of purposes are some other sources of ultraviolet radiations.
Industrial pollutants are gradually eroding the ozone layer; which stops the sun's UV radiation from reaching the earth. Currently, there is increasing levels of sunlight radiations due to the thinning ozone layer. These industrial pollutants released into the atmosphere become distributed evenly throughout the stratosphere ozone layer, thinning the protective shield gradually. In addition, the increased release of chlorofluorocarbons and other ozone-depleting chemicals, such as methyl chloroform have long-term atmospheric lives which make them dangerous to the ozone layer (Environmental Protection Agency, 2011).

Thus, the depletion of the stratospheric protective ozone shield, first noted in the Antarctica 10 years ago, has now spread over the northern hemisphere and the entire globe. The depletion is severe in Antarctica which makes human life vulnerable due to increased ultraviolet penetration…

Sources Used in Documents:


Daynes, R.A. (1990). Immune System and Ultraviolet Light. Elsevier.

Environmental Protection Agency. (2011, January 13). Health and Environmental Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion. Retrieved July 15, 2012, from www.epa.gov:


Leaf, A. (1993). Critical Condition: Human Health and Environment. Cambridge: The MIT
World Health Organization. (2012). Health Effects of UV Radiation. Retrieved July 15, 2012, from www.who.com: http://www.who.int/uv/health/en/

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