Relfection The Course Provided A Essay

The non-verbal communication is also a means that connects the participants in a communication and this is why it is important to have good and proper knowledge of what it means and how to best use it in a communication. A crucial aspect in this sense is to be able to have a homogenous control over this skill because non-verbal communication is as important as verbal communication and it is part of the wider process of conveying messages. Therefore, proper attention should be given to this type of message transmission as well. There are several skills I would like to continue to improve which include managing stress and listening. Managing stress I believe to be vital in the way in which one creates his position in a communication. It can trigger positive or negative effects and it can influence the way in which one transmits the message. Stress is sometimes good because it motivates a person and makes him act more efficiently. However, this is not a positive influence on the long run as it can become a constant pressure on the mind and capacity to think open-minded and objectively. This is why in order to be more effective in a communication process, to be able to listen better...


It will also impact the way non-verbal communication is conducted and my approach to a conversation that would under normal circumstances be prone to personal reactions. Communication should be as clean and objective as possible in order to provide unaltered information. However, is constant stress is present, this objectiveness may fade. In direct connection with stress management is the listening part of the communication process I feel is essential to improve communication skills. As mentioned above, listening is a vital part of the entire process and can make the difference between success and failure in a communication.
Concluding, I believe this semester was extremely useful for me and for my understanding of what communication is, the complexity of the process, and the level of skills needed to ensure that this process is a success. I believe that improvement of communication skills is always possible and should be aimed for. Some of the most important skills from my point-of-view are listening, management of stress and non-verbal communication, which make a difference in the communication process.

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