Religion And Social Reform In The 1920s Essay


Prohibition REVISED The Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1919, and the following year Prohibition took effect in the United States. Although uninformed parties tend to assume this was the result of some early twentieth-century fad, the reality was that the movement toward Prohibition had been occurring for decades. For example, in 1842, the great American poet Walt Whitman published a novel, Franklin Evans, or The Inebriate. Whitman's book (published over a decade before the poetry that would make him famous) is a so-called Temperance novel, a piece of writing designed to convert people to shunning alcohol -- and Whitman was writing nearly eighty years before Prohibition would become a reality.

To some extent, this eighty year process represented a remarkable development: the integration of women into the American political process. In 1920, the same year that the Eighteenth Amendment made Prohibition a reality, the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified guaranteeing women's suffrage. These two major social changes in the 1920s, however, were linked much earlier in American life. A number of the early antebellum advocates for women's rights and suffrage -- like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Amelia Bloomer -- had emerged from the Temperance movement. To some extent,...


Temperance also emerged side-by-side with the abolitionist movement, which had a similar concern about the domestic ramifications of political issues: as Harriet Beecher Stowe would prove with Uncle Tom's Cabin, it was possible to awaken people to the horrors of slavery by concentrating on families split up when they were sold, or small children (like Topsy in Stowe's novel) who risked damnation because they had not been taught the Christian catechism. In other words, women's participation in Christian social meliorist causes would emerge from Temperance and Abolition would eventually result in the achievement of all three of these goals.
There is a darker side to Prohibition, however, which is seldom discussed. If Whitman's 1842 novel demonstrates that Temperance was already a popular issue, a famous Know-Nothing Party political cartoon demonstrates that there was something more than the Social Gospel at work in antebellum America. The cartoon depicts a German and Irish immigrant running away with a ballot-box: the Irishman carries a shillelagh and the German a meerschaum pipe, but more intriguingly for our subject, each of them is dressed in a barrel, one filled with…

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