Rex The Musical Savant Book Report

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Lewis, Cathleen. (2008). Rex: The musical savant. Thomas Nelson Publishers. Rex: The musical savant is narrated by the title character's mother. It is a true story of a young boy who became blind at an early age, and was later diagnosed with autism. Rex was born with an underdeveloped optic nerve and a brain cyst. The brain cyst was the cause of Rex's apraxia, a condition which makes it difficult for the sufferer to execute physical movements and speak, even when he possesses the desire to do so. However, Rex was gifted with an extraordinary ability to play music. He could repeat entire works of classical music on the piano, even while he struggled with basic social interactions and self-care.

Before Rex's birth, Lewis was a successful businesswoman who had lived abroad for many years. However, her marriage crumbled as a result of the strain raising Rex brought to her marriage. Over and over again, after Rex's birth she asked...


Lewis struggled to get her son the needed help and support within the school system. But music was the only way Rex was able to connect with the rest of the world. Rex's father gave the boy a piano keyboard as a gift when he was two years old, and from then onward, all Rex wanted to do was play music.
Rex struggled to tie his shoes, but he could easily master the keyboard, even performing actions doctors said where impossible for him, given the limits of his disability, such as crossing one hand over the other. Eventually, Rex learned to speak, but he still struggled with normal social interactions. He was unable to understand abstract concepts such as 'ever.' If he was in a conversation and expected a certain response, he would become 'stuck' and constantly repeat himself, until the other speaker said what he expected him or her to say. However, behind the keys of a piano,…

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Rex the Musical Savant

son, Catherine Lewis chronicles the amazing journey of Rex's childhood. Rex is part biography and part autobiography, as Catherine Lewis's own feelings and perceptions are as integral to the story as the tale of Rex himself. The inclusion of the author's point-of-view does far from detract from the story, though. Catherine's input enhances the book and provides a holistic interpretation of the amazing childhood of Rex. Born with a large