Share Several Common Characteristics Or Essay


Both of these presenters also move away from being overtly positive or self-congratulatory in how they describe their accomplishments. Rather, they both show how failure stripped away all non-essential aspects of their lives so they could concentrate on what mattered most to them. This was a very liberating aspect of the J.K. Rowling presentation. Steve Jobs uses the sober reality of cancer to make the same point. This is an advanced approach to making a presentation; they are both relying on the paradox of defeat to show how success comes out of the focus and discipline it requires. These are very powerful techniques in public speaking and presentations because both of these celebrities aren't afraid to admit so publically how far they fell in their lives before experiencing exceptional success. In doing this they make their presentations resonate with an exceptionally high level of trust and transparency. Combining this with the humility these globally-known celebrities have, they deliver two of the world's most known speeches.

Insights for Personal Presentation Style



The lessons learned from Steve Jobs and J.K. Rowling include concentrating on the humility and universality of struggling in life to get to a goal or attain a vision. Steve Jobs never started out to be an entrepreneur; he found that vocation by following his passion fro learning. J.K. Rowling never imagined she would be a best-selling author and the founder of a franchise in children's book. She wrote stories because she had a love for classic literature. These are great examples of following your passions brings out the best of who you are and fuels a person over formidable obstacles. While these two stories are remarkable in their results, my own presentations can also disclose more and challenge the audience to also see the best of what they have to offer others. This kind of self-disclosure can also energize presentations and make them more interesting to listen to as well, making the points made more memorable.

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