Similarities And Differences Research Paper

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Mohism Comparing Confucianism and Mohism can help contextualize one another and reveal important aspects about their most important meanings. The purpose of this essay is to examine the following quotes and compare their similarities and differences:

- Do not impose on others what you yourself do not want (Analects 12.1).

If people regarded other people's families in the same way that they regard their own, who then would incite their own family to attack that of another? For one would do for others as one would do for oneself (Mozi 16, "Impartial Caring").


Both Confucius and Mozi demonstrate important meanings in these lines...


Empathy seems to be an implied virtue in both of these statements which suggests that both authors value the practical worth of operating in communal systems.
Both of these philosophical statements require the reader to investigate the idea of the self and what it means to their interpretation of their words. It appears that the idea of the self has key importance in understanding either of these philosophers' truest meanings. Also, both of these lines reference and recognize selfishness as something tangible that can be manipulated through understanding.


While the…

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"The Analects of Confucius. " Translated by James Legge. Retrieved from http://old-

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy."Mohism." Published 21 Oct 2012. Retrieved from

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