Social Justice: Western Perspectives Recent Term Paper


Therefore, one of the most important documents of democracy points out precisely the notions of social justice, which should be the right to life, tolerance, happiness. Despite the age of the Declaration the values enshrined in the document remain the same. This comes to point out the fact that indeed, the precepts of social justice today in the international community are based on the liberal thoughts of the 18th century and is viable to this day.

The diversity of opinions who argue for the victory of the liberal beliefs establishes in the end the actual conclusion that the Western perspective on social justice relies on old and well established notions of democracy. However, they are better defined in the clashes of civilization Huntington advocated a decade ago, in the war on terror waged by the Bush Administration, and in the constant refusal of other systems of government to consider them.

Works Cited

Berstein, S. And Milza, P. (1994) Histoire de l'Europe. Paris: Hatier.

Braunstein, F., and Pepin, J.F. (1998) Les Grandes Doctrines. Paris: Ellipses.

Dunleavy, P. And O'Leary, B. (1987) Theories of the state. The Politics of Liberal...


London and New York: Macmillan and Meredith.
Fukuyama, F. (1989) "The End of History." The National Interest. pp 3-18.

Hay, a.M. (1995) "Concepts of Equity, Fairness and Justice in Geographical Studies." Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Volume 20, Number 4. pp. 500-508(9).

Huntington, S.P. (1996) the Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Irani, K.D. And Silver, M. (1995) Social Justice in the Ancient World. Westport: Greenwood Press.

Nye, J. (2005) Understanding international conflicts: an introduction to theory and history. New York: Pearson.

O'Donnell, J. et. al. (2004) Social Justice in These Times. Connecticut: Information Age Publishing.

Shahabuddin, S. (2007) "Social Justice for the Muslim Community -- Panacea for Upliftment." Mainstream, Vol XLV, No 30. Accessed 23 June 2008, at

The Declaration of Independence. (2008). Accessed 23 June 2008, at

Wight, M. (1997). Power politics. London: Pinter Publisher Ltd.

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

Berstein, S. And Milza, P. (1994) Histoire de l'Europe. Paris: Hatier.

Braunstein, F., and Pepin, J.F. (1998) Les Grandes Doctrines. Paris: Ellipses.

Dunleavy, P. And O'Leary, B. (1987) Theories of the state. The Politics of Liberal Democracy. London and New York: Macmillan and Meredith.

Fukuyama, F. (1989) "The End of History." The National Interest. pp 3-18.
Shahabuddin, S. (2007) "Social Justice for the Muslim Community -- Panacea for Upliftment." Mainstream, Vol XLV, No 30. Accessed 23 June 2008, at
The Declaration of Independence. (2008). Accessed 23 June 2008, at

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