Social Networking Sites Began In Term Paper

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The primary target market for Facebook is between the ages of 22-34. The secondary target market is between 35-54. The strengths are that it is addictive, has a clean layout is open platform and is a real-world network (unlike Myspace). It has relatively few weaknesses, other than low revenue per user. Threats are other social networking sites, instant messenger services and photo sharing sites. There are opportunities in new markets and for a more fully-integrated platform.

Through our ads we want to efficiently reach our target market so they become more aware of Facebook. We want to build familiarity with the site in a market that has not traditionally understood the...


The goals are more sign-ups and an increase in the frequency of visits to the site.
We intend to do this by partnering with party-planning sites that organize reunions, to convince them to leverage the power of Facebook. We will take photos at the reunions for posting on Facebook and plug this to the attendees. This will take place in a 30-city trial with the objective of increasing trial usage of Facebook amongst our target market. This brings Facebook to the market, rather than the traditional method of letting the market find Facebook. At each event, a booth will be set up and attendees will be able to see the photos and sign up for…

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"Social Networking Sites Began In" (2008, June 16) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Social Networking Sites Began In" 16 June 2008. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

"Social Networking Sites Began In", 16 June 2008, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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Twitter and MySpace. Social networking is one of the hottest trends online, with everyone from teens to baby boomers signing up for them with a passion. Millions of users log on every day to communicate, share information, video, and photos, and keep in touch, all with the click of a mouse. While there are amazing benefits to using these sites for business and pleasure, there are quite a few

G. politicians, movie and rock stars, etc.). Indeed, the combination of social networking sites and an abundance of cellular services and phones has even changed the socio-political landscape in countries that do not have an open or democratic regime (e.g. protests in Iran, etc.) (Friends, Fans and Followers, 2011). The role of social networks have changed the way marketers and politicians view their audience, communicate with them, and even interact. Since

Popularity social networking sites Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Flickr, Skype grown phenomenally years. Social networking a feature life 21st century phenomenally reshaping people connect interact . Only a few decades ago, the basic means for communication were mobile phones, letters, e-mails and direct interaction. Presently, the general scope of human communication has evolved to text messages, voice messages, online video phones, and, most importantly, a plethora of social media installments.

Social networking industry is entering a period of maturation, and this will have significant impacts on the way we approach entering this market. Maturation of the social media industry comes in two forms. The first is that user growth is beginning to slow for many social networks, and there are fewer niches for new entrants to occupy and build a user base. Google + famously failed to attract a user