Sociology Functionalism, Conflict Theory, And Interactionism All Essay

Sociology Functionalism, conflict theory, and interactionism all pertain to the institution of the family. These are three interrelated approaches that can and should be used together to provide a more accurate view of the family from a sociological viewpoint. Functionalism is a systems perspective, one that views social institutions like the family as being interconnected with other elements of the system like social norms, social class status, and gender identity. Using a functionalist perspective, a sociologist does not view the family in isolation, but incorporates elements related to how the role of family functions in the broader society. Conflict theory also takes into account broad sociological factors, the most important of which is access to wealth and social capital. The conflict theory is especially concerned with inequality and the need for social justice. With regards to the family, conflict theory can explain dysfunctionality within a family and its surrounding community based on an analysis of factors like race, class, gender, and social power. Finally, interactionism is a sociological approach that is relationship-based. Family is viewed through the lens of interpersonal relationships, and those relationships are both internal within the family as well as external, between the family and other social institutions.

How Each Theory Applies to the Family

Functionalism presents the family as one of many different but interconnected social institutions. From the functionalist perspective, each institution participates in the society with the shared goal of maintaining social order and stability. The family is one of many social institutions like church, government, and education systems. Stable norms related to family, such as the emphasis on two-parent households or extended families in some cultures, are suggested as being important to maintaining the overall structure and stability of society. Problems in society are related to the failure of one or another structure to conform to the ideals of its neighboring institutions. The functionalist is, of course, concerned about functions that the family serves for the greater society such as socializing children or ensuring social stability.

Conflict theory presents the family also as one of many interconnected social institutions. The difference between conflict theory and functionalism is that conflict theory focuses on friction and conflict between the different social institutions, whereas functionalism focuses on stability. Conflict theory recognizes the importance of variables like income inequality, racial inequality, and gender inequality. These concepts of inequality are nearly absent from a functionalist perspective, which only focuses on the structural elements of the society. From a conflict theory perspective, a family is affected by issues like race, class, gender norms, and access to political and economic power. Social institutions like education or politics can influence the health or role of a family in the community. A problem such as the breakdown of families will be viewed as the product of conflict due to inequality.

Interactionism, or symbolic interactionism, is the only one of the three main sociological theories to discuss matters related to interpersonal relationships. Instead of viewing society as a system of structures and institutions, the interactionist perspective emphasizes the fact that societies are based on human relationships. The family is viewed as a product of social relationships and negotiations. Individuals are taken into account, whereas individuals are not necessarily part of the macro-oriented sociological theories. Furthermore, broader communications between individual family members and either individuals or institutions are considered. Family is a product of each individual member's attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs.

How Each Theory Affects Individuals in the Institution

The views of the individual are unimportant from a functionalist point-of-view. Functionalism only concerns itself with social structures and institutions and their functions in society. An individual is relatively passive in the functionalist view, and is a product of being a member of various social institutions. However, an individual can have an impact on any one given institution. The functionalist is simply unconcerned with the role that individuals play, except in the sense that families function to provide certain "care, protection, and emotional support" for its individuals ("The Functionalist Perspective," n.d.). The family functions as a means to educate children, and provide economic sustenance for individual members ("Functionalast Perspective on the Family," n.d.). Even so, the ultimate goal of the family is how it functions with relation to the external society. Thus, families essentially provide new members of a society via reproduction.

From a conflict theory perspective, individuals are slightly more important than they are from a functionalist point-of-view. Some individuals may experience conflict...


For example, a mother experiences more conflict related to feeling disempowered about her role in the community than the father. Conflict theory is concerned about injustices anywhere, and that does include any individual problems such as delinquency in the family. Individual problems are framed as being linked directly to conflicts related to an absence of social justice.
Interactionism is the most sympathetic to the role of the individual within the institution of the family. In fact, interactionism focuses on what individual family members do to create their own personal realities and the relative health of the family system. The family is a collection of individuals, and each individual has a role and a responsibility. Individuality is central to the interactionist theory. There is an ongoing process of identity construction, as the individual interacts with other members of the family for self-evaluation, and interacts with people outside the family to confirm beliefs ("Symbolic Interactionism Theory," n.d.).

How Each Theory Affects the Approach to Social Change in the Institution

Functionalism has been widely criticized for its avoidance of conflict and motivators of social change (Crossman, n..d). In fact, Crossman (n.d.) points out that functionalism stresses conformity and stability so much so that "active social change" is considered to be "undesirable" and disruptive. Therefore, a functionalist ignores social changes that might take place within the institution and only focuses on how change impacts the function or role of the institution in society. Functionalism might even deny that change occurs by showing, for example, that families have existed throughout time and that families exist throughout different cultures. The proof that families have always existed and exist in basically the same form and function would show that change is not significant in this institution. To a lesser degree, a functionalist might be concerned with how change impacts individuals within the family. A functionalist might, for example, view increased rates of divorce as being meaningless while focusing on the fact that the nuclear family still functions as the most significant building block of modern American society.

According to Plunkett & Williams (n.d.), "Conflict theory as applied to families challenges the myth that families are harmonious, and instead focuses on the ability of the family to deal with differences, change, and conflict." Therefore, conflict theory is much more interested in change than functionalist theory. Change is a very important part of conflict theory, because conflict theory is concerned with how individuals can overcome conflict. Conflict plays itself out on different social arenas. Social change can only come from crisis and conflict. Conflict theory recognizes that change is ongoing and inevitable, and often positive because it might promote social justice and equality. An emphasis on the ways patriarchy has impacted the family, and therefore society, is part of conflict theory. Conflict theory would suggest that the only way to promote gender equality is to begin with changing gender roles in the family, and cease domestic servitude.

Interactionism is not overtly concerned about change, but views change as a product of individual motivation. An individual changes his or her attitudes toward family members, especially as a child grows older. The changes in the ways children view and treat adults, or the changes in the ways parents view and treat their children, or the ways spouses change their views of one another, are all examples of how change is important to interactionism as a sociological perspective. Change can come from the "modification of meaning" such as the symbolic relationships or roles in the family (Plunkett, n.d.). Within the family, change impacts individual self-concept, identity, and self-esteem. These individual level factors in turn influence the cohesion in the family, and that family's role within the community. Interactionism is concerned with changing roles of people within the family.

Within the Family, How Each Theory Affects Views of Society

Views of society differ among these different theoretical perspectives. The views of society from the perspective of the family, and the views that society has about the family as an institution are both things to consider. First, the views of society from the perspective of the family are important from a functionalist perspective. The functionalist is concerned with large institutions, rather than the individuals that comprise those institutions or even the overarching forces that impact institutions like race, class, gender, and power. Second, the views that society has about the family can also be considered from a functionalist stance. The family is reduced to a social unit necessary for the perpetuation of the species, the maintenance of social order, and the pre-education of children and reinforcement of social norms. Such…

Sources Used in Documents:


"The Conflict Perspective." Retrieved online: -- 4/

Crossman, A. (n.d.). Functionalist theory. Retrieved online:

"The Functionalist Perspective," (n.d.). Retrieved online: -- 4/

"Functionalist Perspective on the Family," (n.d.). Retrieved online:
Plunkett, S. (n.d.). Symbolic interactionism theory. Retrieved online:
Plunkett, S. & Williams, S. (n.d.). Conflict theory. Retrieved online:

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