Statistics Are Integral To Research Term Paper

My demonstrating that construction of snowmen and outbreak of acne occur simultaneously does not mean that snowmen produce acne. It may imply an underlying matter, such as the snow itself may contain some component that may instigate the outbreak, or the children who build the snowmen may be particularly vulnerable to acne, and during that period of the year, and so forth. Two factors happening concurrently, does not mean that one influences the other. Readers may also take the percentage face blank unaware of the notion of margin of error. Margin of error implies that the data shows only an approximate result of the sampled population (usually 95%). There is a certain percentage of error either way, and so the end results can only be approximate, never absolutely certain.

Using statistics in writing contains its own set of rules:

Distinction must be made between the mean, mode, and median. Each refers to average, but they are different ways of measuring the average,...


taking the average of a list of names).
The writer of statistical data has to be careful to present the entire picture, he has to ascertain, too, that the statistics accurately present his point (do not exceed or modify); and that the charts and graphs are not shaped in such a way that 'corners may be cut' i.e., that the scale is manipulated, the range shortened, small changes look large and the reverse, and so forth so that readers should gain an accurate perception.

Finally, bases must be given to all percentages so that when one says, for instance, that 50 students received 100% for a test one has to know the ratio (50 out of how many).

Statistics is a complex discipline, both to read and to produce. It can be used as scientific instrument to disseminate accuracy and development, or it can be used for propaganda to distort results. A dedicated scientist and academician would use it for the former.

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"Statistics Are Integral To Research" (2011, February 17) Retrieved April 18, 2024, from

"Statistics Are Integral To Research" 17 February 2011. Web.18 April. 2024. <>

"Statistics Are Integral To Research", 17 February 2011, Accessed.18 April. 2024,

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