Theory X & Theory Y Douglas Mcgregor's Essay


Theory X & Theory Y Douglas McGregor's Theory X Theory Y are a set of dichotomous views about human nature that guide management. Theory X holds that humans generally dislike work, are irresponsible and require close supervision to do their jobs; Theory Y holds that humans are generally industrious, creative and able to assume responsibility (eNotes, 2006). These theories are said to guide management styles, because they imply that the role of the manager is going to be significantly different depending on which theory the manager subscribes to. Managers therefore need to approach team-building with a vision of the types of role definitions, control mechanisms and team construction that will fulfill the theory the manager believes in (Mind Tools, 2012).

The questionnaire from Business Balls (Chapman, 2002) had my former company score a 47. This score correlates with a "generally Y-theory management." Although the job was actually...


This indicates that I have a very strong orientation to Y-theory management. Only one area received a score from me that was not a 4 or a 5, and this was the question about the exit interview. While I appreciate the opportunity to get my two cents in, I feel that once I have decided to leave the organization I am no longer as interested in contributing to its well-being. Thus, I have little reason to conduct an exit interview at that point, as I am unsure of how that would benefit me as I move to another organization.
In general, I feel that these score…

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Works Cited;

Chapman, A. (2002). 'x-y theory questionnaire. BusinessBalls. Retrieved February 10, 2012 from

eNotes. (2006). Theory X and theory Y eNotes. Retrieved February 10, 2012 from

Mind Tools. (2012). Theory x and theory Y Retrieved February 10, 2012 from

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