Uncle Started To Open His Essay

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Not only was Joline white but she also worked as an exotic dancer. With two strikes against her, Joline was not welcome in our family even though she was one of the sweetest people I have ever met. I was happy they were together because Ramos seemed happy and the two of them made a good-looking couple. Then Joline got pregnant. Ramos told no one until the baby was almost born. One day he just called me up and said, "Joline is having a baby. I'll tell you what sex it is when it comes out next week. Later!" didn't think anything of it; Ramos was thirty years old and I thought it was good that he would be settling down finally. Part of me knew that the baby would be trouble and I felt sorry for the kid before he was even born. Yet another part of me knew Ramos would make a good dad and that the baby could change his life for the better. Maybe he would stop getting into so much trouble.

Joline and Ramos never got married. After the car crash Ramos told me that he was planning on asking her to marry him that very night. I asked Ramos if he was drinking that night and he said no. Now I realize he must have been lying because when he got picked up by the police for drunk driving they took him straight to jail and now Ramos has no driver's license. Having no driver's license meant that Ramos couldn't get to work, which meant that he lost his job. Losing his job was probably...


I almost cried. She said Bryant would talk to no one and that even at age five he still had to wear diapers. Ramos did not admit that anything was wrong so my sister had to talk to him. She could not look the other way any more. I can't either. Because of my sister, Ramos took Bryant into a psychologist for testing and they diagnosed him with autism. Ramos pretends that everything is ok. When I see him he smiles a lot and says that even though Bryant has autism that everything is ok because social services provides him with subsidized medical and psychiatric care and that Bryant will go to a special school. We all know that Ramos is drinking too much. My dad blames Ramos for Bryant's condition and says that Bryant would be "normal" if Ramos were a better father. My dad also accused Ramos of killing Joline, but I think my dad is just angry that his brother turned out the way he did instead of becoming a business man like him.
A love my uncle. I wish there were something I could do to help him and my baby cousin and honestly, I feel that there will be some way I can get through to him because we have always got along well and he is one of my favorite family members. In spite of all his problems, he is my family, my father's brother, and I love him.

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