Uustal 1993 Proposed A Decision-Making Model Concrete Essay

¶ … Uustal (1993) proposed a decision-making model concrete steps arrive a morally acceptable solution faced ethical dilemma. What type ethical dilemma encountered clinical setting? How decision-making model identified Uustal applied situation? Be specific describing steps. Much of what constitutes nursing is being able to make decisions and carry out tasks according to those decisions. What nursing is often confronted with and feels unable to respond to in an effective manner at times is addressing and resolving specific ethical issues. One such issue we are concerned with here is caregiving for elderly individuals, specifically those at the end of life. Moreover, end-of-life decision making that affects physicians is of concerns to nurses as well since they are directly involved with caring for the individual. We believe quality of care is most imperious in such challenging moments because nurses have to confront a decisive and frail moment in a patient's life and must respond to that patient's needs more so than ever. In moments like these, Uustal's concerns on whether or not nursing tasks have been employed efficiently and to the benefit of the individual (White, 2001, p. 25) must become the main focus of nurses. In this respect, we believe that Uustal's decision -- making model as...


This full description involves "what occurs in terms of person, place, and time." (p. 110) In matters of person, we've already established that our concern here is for the dying elderly. The place and the time are of importance because one elderly may be committed into the hospital, while another may reside in a retirement home, or may live with family. Another question in issue is whether or not a patient seeks to extend life or is merely doing so because of what he feels his family wants. In this respect, an ethical recommendation can be difficult to address, because we owe responsibility to the patient first, however, we may feel obliged to address family needs as well. Assessing the problem overall by considering the family's presence, the existing relationship, may diminish the tragic effect. Shumann and Alfandre (2008) concluded that it is when such decisions need to be taken immediately that a systematic…

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Reference List

Black, B.P. (2011). Proffesional nursing: Concepts & Challenges (6th edition). Elsevier.

Lundy, K.C., & Janes, S. (2001). Community health nursing: Caring for the public's health. London: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.

Schumann, J.H., & Alfandre, D. (2008). "Clinical ethical decision making: The four topics approach." Seminars in Medical Practice, 11, 36-42.

White, S.V. (2001). Diann B. Uustal on excellence in ethics and quality in care. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 23(5), 25-29.doi: 10.1111/j.1945-1474.2001.tb00371.x

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