Conflict Decision Making Essays (Examples)

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Conflict, Decision Making
Conflicts happen in all places, and workplace is no exemption. A workplace has a diverse workforce with different backgrounds. Their ambitions and goals differ and easily results in conflicts. Nonetheless, workplace conflict does not necessarily result in negative impact, when well resolved it could indeed result in positive outcomes. As noted by Hellriegel, et al. (2001) by resolving conflict effectively, an organization can solve numerous issues that surfaces, and get to know other issues it was unaware of. One of the best ways of resolving workplace conflict is through negotiation. This short paper examines workplace conflict at Tesco plc, a leading general merchandising and international grocery retail chain based in the United Kingdom.

Appling negotiation strategies to address potential conflicts in the workplace

There are five main negotiation strategies that can be used to resolve workplace conflicts (Savage, et al. 1989). The approach applied will depend with the situation, the….

Conflict, Decision-Making, Organizational Design
Conflict, Decision Making, Organizational Design

Publix Company

How to apply negotiation strategies to address potential conflicts in workplace

Conflicts in the workplace are a common experience that many mangers encounter. Conflicts are categorical of the nature where organizations are able to relate with each other together with personnel interaction. Within an organization or company as Publix Company, conflict resolution measures should be undertaken as part of the restructuring, growth and development procedures. As a result, it is imperative to have negotiation strategies, which are supposed to counter conflicts within an organization. Negotiation strategies can be applied in various ways when it comes to negotiating through finding measures and methods of stopping or reducing conflicts within an organization (Daft, 2010).

Understanding is a unanimous activity, which is part of the negotiation strategies while resolving conflicts in an organization. Understanding involve integration of the various reasons which have led to the conflict, analyzing….

Firstly, fact-based decision-making can be challenging. This is mainly evident when it comes to choosing the facts to be followed and the ones to be dismissed. Note that, data to be used in decision-making should be relevant and logical, and determination of this is quite difficult. Secondly, evidence-based management does not adequately address the value of judgement and intuition. This is mainly in situations of high uncertainty and risk which is a common phenomenon facing the management team while making strategic decisions. However, for the management to avoid these limitations, it should foster a culture of observation, experimentation and inquiry while coming up with ideas (Daft, 2010). Also, the organization should encourage diversity in terms of age, gender, expertise and experience to facilitate diverse ideas and opinions during the decision-making process.

Decision-making is a crucial part of managing an organization. There are various methods of decision-making that an organization can….

Decision Making Is One of

In the case of Kava island issue, we shall reach the decision in the following manner.
White Hat / Hat #1:

This is where a person needs to consider all the available data on the issue at hand. For example we know that Kava is a land of richness. It is a place with multiple possibilities because it has a sizeable young population, is rich in petroleum, coffee, sugar and other such important items. It has people from diverse backgrounds who add to the richness of its culture and almost 15 languages are spoken in this area. But at the same time, the country is plagued with numerous problems including ever-increasing cases of HIV.

Red Hat / Hat #2:

This is where a person needs to focus on intuition. Intuitively for example we can say that Kava can be seen as a great tourist destination if developed properly. Nik's firm can invest in….

For each cell, decide which of the two options is more important. Write down the letter of the more important option in the cell, and score the difference in importance from 0 (no difference) to 3 (major difference).
5. Finally, consolidate and sum the results by adding up the total of all the values for each of the options; and then convert these values into a percentage of the total score.

As a simple example, a business is looking at several ways to expand its market share. In doing so, it comes with the following options as shown below:

1. Use electronic commerce for serving customers

Expand business in home markets

3. Improve customer satisfaction

4. Improve the quality of service

Firstly the manager draws up the Paired Comparison Analysis table in Figure 1:

Figure 1: Example Paired Comparison Analysis Table (not filled in):

Use electronic commerce (a)

Expand into home markets (B)

Improve customer


Improve the quality of service


Now manager….

Decision making is a term that can be described as the process of choosing between alternatives and entails identification, development, and selection. Based on academic literature decision making and analysis can be widely divided into two schools of thoughts i.e. analytic and experiential or incremental decision making processes (Sipp & Carayannis, 2013, p.18). The analytic school of thought on decision making and analysis primarily focuses on problem definition and identification, assessment and selection of alternatives. In this school of thought, implementation in the decision making process basically entails simple execution of the cautiously selected alternative. On the contrary, even though experiential or incremental school of thought incorporates the two major steps in decision making just like the other school of thought, it focuses more on the execution of the alternative. This school of thought on decision making also utilize feedback to make necessary adjustments to the selected alternative in order….

" To that end, the Treasury Department would limit executive compensation for institutions receiving "exceptional assistance" (Geithner and Summers, 2009).
Troubles continued in the financial sector -- both Citigroup and the Bank of America needed second rounds of capital infusions, and federal guarantees against losses totaling tens of billions more -- while Ben S. Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, warned that more capital injections might be needed to further stabilize the financial system. On Jan. 16, the Senate voted 52-42 to release the second round of funds (Gerth, 2009).

THE GEITHNER PLANS -on Feb. 10, Mr. Geither presented the rough outlines of the Obama administration's plan. A central piece of the proposal would create one or more so-called bad banks that would rely on taxpayer and private money to purchase and hold banks' bad assets. Another centerpiece of the plan would stretch the last $350 billion that the Treasury has for the….

Decision-Making Process in Business Environment
The activity of decision-making may be defined as mental processes leading to the choosing of one alternative out of many.

All decision-making processes generate an ultimate choice.

Decision-making output may be a chosen view or action.

Broadly, decision-making represents a process of choosing between numerous alternatives and making a commitment to adopting some particular option for the future (Masood).

The Nature of Decision-Making

Successful decision-making, realizing where one has made the wrong choice, and being quick to respond to one's errors, forms a major component of corporate efficiency.

According to some scholars, decision-making constitutes the most elementary and salient of all the responsibilities of a manager.

The activity of decision-making relates most closely to the activity of planning.

But it also forms part of leadership, organization, and control (icaksana).

Decision-Making Process

Decision-making entails six steps:

a. Problem Identification

• Need for explicitly outlining the issue

• Manager should thoroughly understand the issue

• Manager should carefully regard and assess the….

decision making tools and techniques whereby 6 Thinking Hats has been chosen as one of its tools. This decision making tool is widely used in the business world of today.


Decision making in science and indeed any other field of study is a difficult thing and for this, one needs to understand what are the basic ways in which a decision can be arrived at, without wasting much time and using the best tools and techniques in order to achieve the same. These decisions are very crucial to the outcome of a project but certain things should be kept in mind that information is the single most significant thing in this whole process. Decision-making is indeed a very complex and well-developed area, one that has to be looked at by the researchers and lecturers with particular care. This paper is about the decision-making tools and techniques whereby 6….

Approaches in decision making

Decision-making forms a very significant component of success at work, at the same time it can be the cause of failure if the conditions are wrong and if those involved are not on the same page. Confusion with regard to decision-making can cause conflict to teams, supervisors, managers, and team leaders. There are various decision-making approaches that can be adopted depending on the situations, these include: consensus, majority vote, minority (subcommittee), expert, authority with discussion, and authority without discussion (Eisenfuhr, 2011). This will describe the 'consensus' and 'expert' approaches of decision-making with respect to the scenario selected.

In the consensus or group decision-making approach, the manager becomes part of the team and involves everyone who is willing and ready to contribute in the decision-making process. The fact that the word consensus is used does not signify that all those involved fully agree with whatever decision is reached,….

Disaster Event
The activities I will engage in will support the full scope of situational awareness and lead to decisions about what information is available, what information is needed, what resources are available, which resources are already engaged, and which resources are likely to be needed.

As deployment commences, attention will immediately be focused on situational awareness. Continuous monitoring is an essential attribute of situational awareness as incidents are dynamic, and require efficacious information gathering for the actual presenting incident and any developing incidents ("IS 800.b," 2011). The monitoring profile must be responsive to the type of incident and the attendant reporting thresholds ("IS 800.b," 2011). It is essential for both incident monitoring and coordination of effort that critical information pass through established reporting channels as stipulated by the established security protocols ("IS 800.b," 2011).

I will apply an activation and deployment framework early in this situation that will enable me to accomplish….

Personal and Professional Accountability
Personal Growth and Development

The concept of professional nurse accountability has been defined by professional nursing bodies and nurse education credentialing bodies as an essential factor underpinning professional practice. As a nurse, I realize this fact and take accountability and responsibility for whatever behavior and actions exhibited, on my part, at the workplace. Moreover, I have understood the need to appraise myself, strive to improve my practice, and continuously fulfill learning outcomes I determine. Lastly, I attempt to sustain my physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing for being able to practice effectively (CRNC, 2017).

Ethical Conduct and Practice

In this profession, I have acquired skills to operate within the boundaries of my personal competence levels, the legally accepted practice scope, and every applicable law. Acting to support safe, ethical and proper patient care comes under my personal and professional nursing accountability as well (CRNC, 2017).

Involvement in a Professional Association

My profession has….

Ethical Analysis
Memo on a Ethical Analysis

____, Student

____ (due date)


Decision making by a Healthcare Leader in case of an Ethical Dilemma

in an interview of my health care administrator of the long care health facility where I work, I asked, "How do you make a wise decision in a situation relating to an ethical dilemma?"


Description of the Answer

It seemed like my question took the administrator by surprise perhaps he did not expect such a question when I requested for an interview. However, he looked composed and amused by my question. Confidently and leaning a little bit forward and supporting his hands on his desk, he responded. He first pointed out the numerous occasions when ethical dilemmas were evident in his health care administration career at the health facility. He said that he learnt over time through many experiences and a little consultation and research on how such issues have been handled in….

In the 38th chapter, Thinking about life, Kahneman assesses the overall quality of life relative to specific factors. In the case of marriage, this is expected to make people happier, yet their life satisfaction decreases in the years after the marriage, comparative to the actual year of marriage. This reveals the initial expectation at the level of the first system of thought, and the reality assessed at the second level of thought.

In the concluding chapter, author Daniel Kahneman (2012) reviews his insertions of the two thinking systems within the psychological field; he also addressed and reviews the concepts of the two selves and the econs and humans. The process of thought is ultimately understood as a complex combination and interaction of the two systems of thought, interaction which can sometimes be uneasy, and even conflicting.

Finally, the last two chapters of Thinking, fast and slow are presented in annex forms and….

Graphic Freelance Designer
Design professionalism standards and ethics (Discuss how the use of copyrighted materials may or may not be a factor with the portfolio you are preparing and in following proper use guidelines.)

Professional designers aren't entitled to take exclusive credit for any design whose creation has involved collaboration between two or more designers (Crawford, 34). Further, professional designers aren't encouraged to accept projects which are likely to involve conflicting interests and, thus, dispute, without the consent of the client (Crawford, 38).

The American Institute of Graphic Arts' (AIGA's) Design Business and Ethics guideline series delineates crucial professional and ethical challenges faced by professional designers and purchasers of graphic designs. The work explores chief designer concerns when it comes to remaining successful, and directly addresses individual rights protection.

The AIGA's Design Business and Ethics covers norms every designer is required to abide by. The norms aim at guiding workplace conduct and decision-making….

4 Pages

Business - Management

Conflict Decision Making Conflicts Happen in All

Words: 1199
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Conflict, Decision Making Conflicts happen in all places, and workplace is no exemption. A workplace has a diverse workforce with different backgrounds. Their ambitions and goals differ and easily results…

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8 Pages

Business - Management

Conflict Decision-Making Organizational Design Conflict Decision Making

Words: 2485
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Conflict, Decision-Making, Organizational Design Conflict, Decision Making, Organizational Design Publix Company How to apply negotiation strategies to address potential conflicts in workplace Conflicts in the workplace are a common experience that many mangers…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Conflict Decision-Making and Organizational Design

Words: 1467
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Firstly, fact-based decision-making can be challenging. This is mainly evident when it comes to choosing the facts to be followed and the ones to be dismissed. Note that,…

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2 Pages


Decision Making Is One of

Words: 623
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

In the case of Kava island issue, we shall reach the decision in the following manner. White Hat / Hat #1: This is where a person needs to consider all…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Decision Making Techniques Decision Making

Words: 759
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For each cell, decide which of the two options is more important. Write down the letter of the more important option in the cell, and score the difference…

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7 Pages

Sports - College

Decision Making and Organizational Change and Development

Words: 2237
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Decision making is a term that can be described as the process of choosing between alternatives and entails identification, development, and selection. Based on academic literature decision making and…

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17 Pages
Research Proposal


Decision-Making Is One of the

Words: 4930
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

" To that end, the Treasury Department would limit executive compensation for institutions receiving "exceptional assistance" (Geithner and Summers, 2009). Troubles continued in the financial sector -- both Citigroup and…

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5 Pages


Decision Making and Business

Words: 1504
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Chapter

Decision-Making Process in Business Environment The activity of decision-making may be defined as mental processes leading to the choosing of one alternative out of many. All decision-making processes generate an ultimate…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Decision Making Tools and Techniques Whereby 6

Words: 887
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

decision making tools and techniques whereby 6 Thinking Hats has been chosen as one of its tools. This decision making tool is widely used in the business world…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Decision-Making Approaches in Decision Making Decision-Making Forms

Words: 681
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Decision-Making Approaches in decision making Decision-making forms a very significant component of success at work, at the same time it can be the cause of failure if the conditions are…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Decision-Making Under Ambiguous Conditions

Words: 1110
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Disaster Event The activities I will engage in will support the full scope of situational awareness and lead to decisions about what information is available, what information is needed, what…

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3 Pages


Decision Making and Personal

Words: 1098
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal and Professional Accountability Personal Growth and Development The concept of professional nurse accountability has been defined by professional nursing bodies and nurse education credentialing bodies as an essential factor underpinning…

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2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Decision Making by a Healthcare Leader in Case of an Ethical Dilemma

Words: 709
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Interview

Ethical Analysis Memo on a Ethical Analysis ____, Student ____ (due date) e: Decision making by a Healthcare Leader in case of an Ethical Dilemma in an interview of my health care administrator of the…

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2 Pages
Book Report


Decision Making and Marriage

Words: 666
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Report

In the 38th chapter, Thinking about life, Kahneman assesses the overall quality of life relative to specific factors. In the case of marriage, this is expected to make people…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal

Information Technology

Decision Making and Design

Words: 864
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Graphic Freelance Designer Design professionalism standards and ethics (Discuss how the use of copyrighted materials may or may not be a factor with the portfolio you are preparing and…

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